suspect (n.)
suspicion, mistrust, doubt
2H6 I.iii.134[Queen to Gloucester] Thy sale of offices and towns in France, / If they were known, as the suspect is great
2H6 III.ii.139[King to himself, as if to God] If my suspect be false, forgive me
3H6 IV.i.141[Edward to Hastings and Montague, of their loyalty] Give me assurance with some friendly vow, / That I may never have you in suspect
CE III.i.87[Balthasar to Antipholus of Ephesus] you ... draw within the compass of suspect / The unviolated honour of your wife
R3 I.iii.88[Queen Elizabeth to Richard] you do me shameful injury / Falsely to draw me in these vile suspects
R3 III.v.32[Richard to Buckingham, of Hastings] He lived from all attainder of suspects [F; Q suspect]
Sonn.70.13[] some suspect of ill masked not thy show
Sonn.70.3[]The ornament of beauty is suspect
Tim IV.iii.515[Flavius to and of Timon] in whose breast / Doubt and suspect, alas, are placed too late
Tim IV.iii.517[Flavius to Timon] Suspect still comes where an estate is least
Ven.1010[of Venus] Her rash suspect she doth extenuate

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