stand for (v.) Old form(s): stand'st
defend, uphold, protect, support
Cor II.ii.39[Menenius to all, of Coriolanus] it remains, / . . . To gratify his noble service that / Hath thus stood for his country
Cor[Menenius to Sicinius, of Aufidius' horns] Which were inshelled when Martius stood for Rome
Cym III.v.57[Queen alone, as if to Pisanio] thou that stand'st so for Posthumus
H5 I.ii.101[Canterbury to King Henry, of his right to the French throne] Stand for your own
MM III.ii.9[Pompey to Elbow, of a userer's garment] furred with fox and lamb skins too, to signify that craft ... stands for the facing
WT III.ii.44[Hermione to Leontes, of honour] 'Tis a derivative from me to mine, / And only that I stand for

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