shadow (n.) Old form(s): shaddowes , shadowes
spirit, phantom, spectre, ghost
AC IV.ii.27[Antony to servants] Haply you shall not see me more; or if, / A mangled shadow
Cym V.iv.97[Jupiter to all] Poor shadows of Elysium, hence
MND III.ii.347[Puck to Oberon] Believe me, King of shadows, I mistook
R3 I.iv.53[Clarence to Keeper, of his dream] Then came wandering by / A shadow like an angel
R3 V.iii.217[King Richard to Ratcliffe] shadows tonight / Have struck more terror to the soul of Richard
Sonn.53.2[] millions of strange shadows on you tend [also: image]
TG IV.ii.121[Proteus to Silvia] since the substance of your perfect self / Is else devoted, I am but a shadow [debated meaning]
Tit I.i.103[Lucius to Titus, of a sacrifice of one of the Goths] so the shadows be not unappeased
Tit I.i.129[Titus to Tamora, of Alarbus] die he must / T'appease their groaning shadows that are gone
Ven.1001[Venus as if to death] Then, gentle shadow ... / I railed on thee

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