scant (v.)
neglect, stint, withhold
AC IV.ii.21[Antony to the servants] Scant not my cups
H5 II.iv.47[Dauphin to Constable] a weak and niggardly projection / Doth like a miser spoil his coat with scanting / A little cloth
KL I.i.278[Gonerill to Cordelia] You have obedience scanted
KL II.iv.135.1[Regan to Lear, of Gonerill] You less know how to value her desert / Than she to scant her duty [F; Q slacke]
MV III.ii.112[Portia to herself] O love, be moderate ... scant this excess
Oth I.iii.264[Othello to all] heaven defend your good souls that you think / I will your serious and great business scant
Oth IV.iii.90[Emilia to Desdemona, of husbands] say they strike us, / Or scant our former having in despite
Sonn.117.1[] Accuse me thus, that I have scanted all

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