AYL IV.i.30 | [Rosalind as Ganymede to Jaques] Look you lisp and wear strange suits |
Cym I.vii.191 | [Iachimo to Innogen, of his treasures] I am something curious, being strange, / To have them in safe stowage |
Cym I.vii.54.1 | [Iachimo to Pisanio, of Iachimo's servant] He's strange and peevish |
H8 III.i.45 | [Queen Katherine to Wolsey, of his speaking in Latin] A strange tongue makes my cause more strange, suspicious |
H8 V.iv.34 | [Porter to Man] Or have we some strange Indian with the great tool come to court [also: unusual] |
LLL IV.ii.129 | [Jaquenetta to Holofernes, of Berowne] one of the strange Queen's lords |
TC III.ii.8 | [Troilus to Pandarus, of Cressida] I stalk about her door, / Like a strange soul upon the Stygian banks |
TC III.iii.12 | [Calchas to all] I ... am become / As new into the world, strange, unacquainted |