1H6 I.iv.65 | [Salisbury to Gargrave and Glansdale] Let me have your express opinions / Where is best place to make our battery next |
AC II.vii.107 | [Enobarbus to all] Make battery to our ears with the loud music |
AC IV.xiv.39 | [Antony to Eros] The sevenfold shield of Ajax cannot keep / The battery from my heart |
Cor V.iv.21 | [Menenius to Sicinius, of Coriolanus] his hum is a battery |
Cym I.v.20 | [Iachimo to all, of Innogen] to fortify her judgement, which else an easy battery might lay flat |
KJ II.i.446 | [Hubert to King John and King Philip, of Lewis the Dauphin and Blanche] This union shall do more than battery can / To our fast-closed gates |