sweet (n.) Old form(s): sweete
sweetness, pleasure, delight
RJ I.i.194[Romeo to Benvolio, of love] A choking gall and a preserving sweet
RJ II.chorus.14[Chorus, of Romeo and Juliet] Tempering extremities with extreme sweet
Sonn.12.11[] sweets and beauties do themselves forsake
Sonn.19.7[to Time] do whate'er thou wilt ... / To the wild world and all her fading sweets
Sonn.8.2Sweets with sweets war not, joy delights in joy
Sonn.95.4Oh in what sweets dost thou thy sins enclose!
Sonn.99.15More flowers I noted, yet I none could see, / But sweet, or colour it had stolen from thee
Sonn.99.2[of the violet] whence didst thou steal thy sweet that smells

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