revolt (n.) Old form(s): reuolt
betrayal, change of heart, faithlessness
AC IV.ix.19[Enobarbus to himself, of Antony] Nobler than my revolt is infamous
Cym III.iv.56[Innogen as if to Posthumus] All good seeming, / By thy revolt ... shall be thought / Put on for villainy
LLL V.ii.74[Rosaline to Princess] The blood of youth burns not with such excess / As gravity's revolt to wantonness
Oth III.iii.186[Othello to Iago, of Desdemona] Nor from mine own weak merits will I draw / The smallest fear or doubt of her revolt
RJ IV.i.58[Juliet to Friar] ere ... my true heart with treacherous revolt / Turn to another
Sonn.92.10[] my life on thy revolt doth lie

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