health (n.)
toast, salutation in drink
2H4 V.iii.24[Falstaff to Silence] I'll give you a health for that anon
AC[Menas to Enobarbus] I have a health for you
AC II.vii.51[Antony to Caesar, of Lepidus] With the health that Pompey gives him
AC II.vii.83.2[Pompey to all] This health to Lepidus!
RJ I.iv.85[Mercutio to Romeo, of Queen Mab visiting a soldier] then dreams he ... / Of healths five fathom deep
Tim I.ii.52[Timon to Lord] let the health go round
Tim I.ii.55[Apemantus to Timon] Those healths will make thee and thy state look ill
TN I.iii.35[Sir Toby to Maria, of Sir Andrew being drunk] With drinking healths to my niece

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