Jack (n.) Old form(s): Iack , Iacke , Iackes, Iacks
jack-in-office, ill-mannered fellow, lout, knave
1H4 II.iv.11[Prince Hal to Poins, of some acquaintances] They ... tell me flatly I am no proud Jack like Falstaff [and throughout the scene]
1H4 III.iii.136[Hostess to Prince Hal, of Falstaff] he called you Jack
1H4 III.iii.84[Falstaff to Hostess] The Prince is a Jack
1H4 V.iv.137[Falstaff to all] if I be not Jack Falstaff, then am I a Jack
AC III.xiii.103[Antony to all] The Jack of Caesar's shall / Bear us an errand to him
AC III.xiii.93.2[Antony to attendants, of Thidias] Take hence this Jack and whip him
Cor V.ii.60[Menenius to First Watch] a Jack guardant cannot office me from my son Coriolanus
MA I.i.171[Benedick to Claudio] do you play the flouting Jack
MA V.i.91.1[Antonio to Claudio and Don Pedro] Boys, apes, braggarts, Jacks
MV III.iv.77[Portia to Nerissa, of dressing as men] I have within my mind / A thousand raw tricks of these bragging Jacks, / Which I will practise
MW I.iv.114[Caius to Mistress Quickly, of Evans] I vill kill de Jack priest
MW II.iii.28[Caius to Host, of Evans] he is de coward Jack priest of de vorld
R3 I.iii.53[Richard to all, of himself as a plain man] his simple truth must be abused / With silken, sly, insinuating Jacks
R3 I.iii.72[Richard to Queen Elizabeth] There's many a gentle person made a Jack
RJ II.iv.149[Nurse to Romeo, of Mercutio] I'll take him down ... and twenty such Jacks
RJ III.i.11[Mercutio to Benvolio] thou art as hot a Jack in thy mood as any in Italy
RJ IV.v.143[Second Musician to First Musician, of Peter] Hang him, Jack!
TS II.i.158[Hortensio as Licio to Baptista, of Katherina] she did call me rascal fiddler / And twangling Jack
TS II.i.281[Katherina to Baptista, of Petruchio] A madcap ruffian and a swearing Jack

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