knave (n.) Old form(s): Knaue, knaues
servant, menial, lackey
AC V.ii.3[Cleopatra to all, of Caesar] he's but Fortune's knave
KL I.iv.42[Lear to all] Where's my knave, my Fool?
KL I.iv.93[Lear to disguised Kent] Now, my friendly knave, I thank thee.
KL II.ii.135.2[Regan to and of disguised Kent] being his knave
MV I.iii.173[Shylock to Antonio] I will ... / See to my house, left in the fearful guard / Of an unthrifty knave
MW III.v.90[Falstaff to Ford as Brook, of John and Robert] a couple of Ford's knaves, his hinds
Oth I.i.126[Roderigo to Brabantio] a knave of common hire, a gondolier
Oth I.i.45[Iago to Roderigo] You shall mark / Many a duteous and knee-crooking knave
R2 II.ii.96[York to Servingman, of his news] What is't, knave?
R3 I.i.102[Richard to Brakenbury, of Mistress Shore] Her husband, knave
RJ I.v.28[Capulet to servants] More light, you knaves!
TS IV.i.106[Petruchio calling to Servingmen] Where be these knaves?

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