falchion (n.) Old form(s): Fauchion , Faulchion , Faulchon
curved broadsword
3H6 I.iv.12[York alone] oft came Edward to my side, / With purple falchion, painted to the hilt / In blood
KL V.iii.274[Lear to all] my good biting falchion
LLL V.ii.612[Boyet to Holofernes, of the latter's face] The pommel of Caesar's falchion
Luc.1046[Lucrece to herself] I feared by Tarquin's falchion to be slain
Luc.1626[Lucrece to Collatine, of Tarquin] With shining falchion in my chamber came / A creeping creature
Luc.176[of Tarquin] His falchion on a flint he softly smiteth
Luc.509[of Tarquin] under his insulting falchion lies / Harmless Lucretia
R3 I.ii.94[Anne to Richard, of Anne's husband] Queen Margaret saw / Thy murderous falchion smoking in his blood

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