a (prep.)
variant form of 'in'
1H6 I.ii.102[Charles to Pucelle] Then come, a God's name
2H6 II.iii.54[King to all] A God's name, see the lists and all things fit
2H6 IV.vii.101[Cade to all, of Say] he speaks not a God's name
H8 II.i.78[Buckingham to all] Lead on, a God's name!
R2 III.iii.146[King Richard to Aumerle, of himself] Must he lose / The name of king? A God's name, let it go
TNK III.vi.256.2[Palamon to Theseus] I'll be cut a-pieces / Before I take this oath!
TS I.ii.192[Gremio to Petruchio, of wooing Katherina] if you have a stomach, to't a God's name
TS IV.v.1[Petruchio to all] Come on, a God's name, once more toward our father's

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