[in emphatic expressions] shortened form of 'God'
AYL III.v.43[Rosalind as Ganymede to Phoebe] 'Od's my little life [may God save my llittle life]
AYL IV.iii.18[Rosalind as Ganymede to Silvius] 'Od's my will [as God is my will]
MW I.i.245[Evans to Anne] 'Od's plessed will!
MW I.iv.60[Caius to Mistress Quickly] I tarry too long. 'Od's me! [God save me]
MW III.iv.56[Slender to Anne] 'Od's heartlings, that's a pretty jest indeed!
MW IV.i.23[Mistress Quickly to Evans] they say ‘ 'Od's nouns'
TN V.i.181[Sir Andrew to all, of Viola as Cesario] 'Od's lifelings, here he is!

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