Phaethon, Phaeton (n.)
[pron: 'fayuhton] son of Helios, the Greek sun-god, who tried to drive his chariot but was destroyed when he drove it too near Earth
3H6 I.iv.33[Clifford to all] Now Phaethon hath tumbled from his car
3H6[Clifford alone] O Phoebus, hadst thou never given consent / That Phaethon should check thy fiery steeds
R2 III.iii.178[King Richard to all] Down, down I come like glistering Phaethon
RJ III.ii.3[Juliet to herself, as if to the steeds pulling the sun-god's chariot] Such a waggoner / As Phaeton would whip you to the West

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