Herod (n.)
in the Bible, a Judean king, portrayed in medieval mystery plays as a wild and angry figure
AC I.ii.29[Charmian to Soothsayer] Let me have a child at fifty, to whom Herod of Jewry may do homage
AC III.iii.3[Alexas to Cleopatra] Herod of Jewry dare not look upon you
AC IV.vi.14[Enobarbus alone, of Alexas] did dissuade / Great Herod to incline himself to Caesar
H5 III.iii.41[King Henry to Governor, of women howling] as did the wives of Jewry / At Herod's bloody-hunting slaughtermen
Ham III.ii.14[Hamlet to the Players] It out-Herods Herod

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