Nero (n.)
[pron: 'neeroh] Roman emperor, 1st-c, who slew his mother, Agrippina; said to have played on his lute while watching Rome burn; considered a model of cruelty
1H6 I.iv.95[Talbot to himself, of his intentions] like thee, Nero, / Play on the lute, beholding the towns burn
3H6 III.i.40[King to himself] Nero will be tainted with remorse,
Ham III.ii.401[Hamlet alone] Let not ever / The soul of Nero enter this firm bosom
KJ V.ii.152[Bastard to all] You bloody Neroes, ripping up the womb / Of your dear mother England
KL as Poor Tom to all] Fraterretto calls me and tells me Nero is an angler in the lake of darkness

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