civil (adj.) Old form(s): ciuel'st , ciuill
civilized, cultured, refined
2H6 IV.vii.56[Say to rebels] Kent ... / Is termed the civilest place of all this isle
AYL III.ii.124[Celia as Aliena reading] Tongues I'll hang on every tree, / That shall civil sayings show
Cym[Innogen alone] who's here? / If any thing that's civil, speak
Oth IV.i.64[Iago to Othello] There's many a beast ... in a populous city, / And many a civil monster [or: among the people]
TG V.iv.157[Valentine to Duke, of the Outlaws] They are reformed, civil, full of good
TN I.iv.21[Orsino to Viola as Cesario] Be clamorous and leap all civil bounds [i.e. disregard all normal courtesies]

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