close (v.)
agree, come to terms, compromise
2H4 II.iv.322[Prince Henry to Falstaff, of Doll] See now whether pure fear and entire cowardice doth not make thee wrong this virtuous gentlewoman to close with us
Ham II.i.45[Polonius to Reynaldo, of an acquaintance of Laertes] be assured / He closes with you
JC III.i.202[Antony as if to dead Caesar] Had I as many eyes as thou hast wounds ... / It would become me better than to close / In terms of friendship with thine enemies
MM V.i.339[Angelo to Escalus, of the disguised Duke] Hark how the villain would close now
WT IV.iv.795[Clown to Shepherd, of Autolycus] Close with him, give him gold

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