converse (v.) Old form(s): conuerse , conuerses , conuersing , conuerst , conuers't
associate, keep company
2H4 V.i.61[Falstaff alone, of Shallow and his servingmen] he, by conversing with them, is turned into a justice-like servingman
2H6 II.i.190[Gloucester to Queen, of the Duchess] if she have ... conversed with such / As, like to pitch, defile nobility
AYL V.ii.58[Rosalind as Ganymede to Orlando] I have ... conversed with a magician
Cor II.i.48[Menenius to Brutus and Sicinius, of himself] one that converses more with the buttock of the night than with the forehead of the morning
KL I.iv.15[disguised Kent to Lear] I do profess ... to converse with him that is wise and says little
LLL V.ii.840[Rosaline to Berowne] You shall ... / Visit the speechless sick, and still converse / With groaning wretches
TG I.iii.31[Panthino to Antonio, of Valentine and the Duke's court] There shall he ... converse with noblemen
TG II.iv.61[Valentine to Duke, of Proteus] from our infancy / We have conversed and spent our hours together

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