2H6 II.i.130 | [Gloucester to all, of St Alban and Simpcox] would ye not think his cunning to be great, that could restore this cripple to his legs again? |
AC II.iii.35 | [Antony alone, of Caesar] in our sports my better cunning faints / Under his chance |
Cor IV.i.9 | [Coriolanus to Volumnia] fortune's blows / When most struck home, being gentle wounded craves / A noble cunning [i.e. to be noble when wounded by the hardest blows demands a nobleman's ability] |
H5 V.ii.143 | [King Henry to Katherine] I have no cunning in protestation |
Ham II.ii.439 | [Hamlet to First Player, of a play] set down with as much modesty as cunning |
Ham II.ii.588 | [Hamlet alone] by the very cunning of the scene |
Ham IV.vii.154 | [Claudius to Laertes, of Laertes and Hamlet] We'll make a solemn wager on your cunnings [Q2; F commings] |
Per III.ii.26 | [Cerimon to First Gentleman] Virtue and cunning were endowments greater / Than nobleness and riches |
Sonn.24.13 | [] Yet eyes this cunning want to grace their art; / They draw but what they see, know not the heart |
TC V.v.41 | [Ulysses to all, of Troilus] redeeming of himself ... / As if that luck, in very spite of cunning, / Bade him win all |
Tim IV.iii.210 | [Apemantus to Timon] Shame not these woods / By putting on the cunning of a carper [or: sense 2] |
TNK I.iii.43 | [Hippolyta to Emilia, of Theseus and Pirithous] Their knot of love, / Tied ... with a finger of so deep a cunning |
TS induction.1.90 | [Lord to First Player] I have some sport in hand / Wherein your cunning can assist me much |