cope, cope with (v.) Old form(s): coap'd , coap'st , cop'd , cop't
encounter, face, have to do [with], come into contact [with]
2H4 IV.ii.95.1[Prince John to Archbishop] we may peruse the men / We should have coped withal
2H6 III.ii.230[Warwick to Suffolk] Unworthy though thou art, I'll cope with thee
3H6 I.iii.24[Rutland to Clifford, of York] He is a man, and, Clifford, cope with him
AYL II.i.67[Duke Senior to Lords, of Jaques] I love to cope him in these sullen fits
E3 III.iii.61[King John to King Edward] I scorn to cope / With one so much inferior to myself
H8 I.ii.78[Wolsey to King Henry] We must not stint / Our necessary actions in the fear / To cope malicious censurers
Ham III.ii.65[Hamlet to Horatio] thou art e'en as just a man / As e'er my conversation coped withal
KL V.iii.122.1[disguised Edgar to all] Yet am I as noble as the adversary / I come to cope
Luc.99[of Lucrece] she that never coped with stranger eyes
Oth IV.i.86[Iago to Othello, of Cassio] I will make him tell ... when / He hath, and is again, to cope your wife
R3 V.iii.316[King Richard to his army] Remember whom you are to cope withal
RJ IV.i.75[Friar to Juliet, of her disgrace in marrying Paris] That copest with death himself to 'scape from it
TC I.ii.33[Alexander to Cressida, of Ajax] he yesterday coped Hector in the battle and struck him down
TNK I.i.174.1[Theseus to Second Queen, of his marriage] it more imports me / Than all the actions that I have foregone / Or futurely can cope
Ven.888[of the hounds and a boar] They all strain court'sy who shall cope him first
WT IV.iv.421.1[Polixenes to Perdita, probably of Florizel] who of force must know / The royal fool thou cop'st with

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