cross (v.) Old form(s): cross'd, crosse , crost
prevent, thwart, forestall
3H6 III.ii.127[Richard alone, of Edward] from his loins no hopeful branch may spring, / To cross me from the golden time I look for!
Cym III.v.163[Pisanio alone, of Cloten] This fool's speed / Be crossed with slowness
KJ III.i.91[Constance to King Philip, of women hoping not to give birth on the wedding anniversary] Lest that their hopes prodigiously be crossed
LLL IV.iii.216[Berowne to all, of being in love] We cannot cross the cause why we were born
LLL V.ii.138[Princess to Katharine, of the King's party] The effect of my intent is to cross theirs
MA II.ii.3[Borachio to Don John, of Claudio's marriage] I can cross it
MND I.i.150[Hermia to Lysander] If then true lovers have ever been crossed / It stands as an edict in destiny
MV III.i.19[Solanio to Salerio] Let me say amen betimes lest the devil cross my prayer [also: sense 4, 5]
MW IV.v.117[Mistress Quickly to Falstaff, of Falstaff and Mistress Ford] one of you does not serve heaven well, that you are so crossed
MW V.v.36[Falstaff alone, of the devil] He would never else cross me thus
RJ V.iii.20[Paris to himself, of someone approaching] To cross my obsequies and true love's rite
Sonn.90.2[] the world is bent my deeds to cross [or: sense 2]
TG[Proteus alone] I'll quickly cross ... Thurio's dull proceeding
TNK III.i.98[Arcite to Palamon] Enter your muset, lest this match between's / Be crossed ere met
Ven.734[Venus to Adonis, of Cynthia] she [hath] bribed the Destinies / To cross the curious workmanship of Nature

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