contemn (v.) Old form(s): Contemne , contemnes , Contenning
despise, scorn, treat with contempt
AC[Caesar to all, of Antony] Contemning Rome, he has done all this and more / In Alexandria
Cor I.iii.44[Volumnia to Virgilia, of Hector's forehead] when it spit forth blood / At Grecian sword, contemning [F: Contenning]
Cor II.ii.155[Sicinius to Brutus, of Coriolanus and the people] He will require them / As if he did contemn what he requested
Cym I.vii.41[Iachimo to Innogen] apes and monkeys ... would chatter this way, and / Contemn with mows the other
KL IV.ii.32[Albany to Gonerill] nature which contemns its origin
TG II.iv.127[Valentine to Proteus] I have done penance for contemning Love
TNK[Palamon to Theseus, of Arcite] this is he contemns thee
Ven.205[Venus to Adonis] What am I that thou shouldst contemn me this?

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