case (n.)
holder, covering, receptacle
2H4 III.ii.315[Falstaff alone, of Shallow] the case of a treble hautboy was a mansion for him [i.e. he could fit into a very narrow instrument-case]
AC IV.xv.88[Cleopatra to her maids, of Antony's body] This case of that huge spirit now is cold
KL[Gloucester to Lear, reacting to 'Read'] What, with the case of eyes? [i.e. with sockets] [or: condition]
MA II.i.85[masked Hero to masked Don Pedro] God defend the lute should be like the case! [i.e. the face to be like the mask]
WT V.ii.12[First Gentleman to Autolycus, of Leontes and Camillo] They seemed almost, with staring on one another, to tear the cases of their eyes [i.e. their eyelids]

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