chuck (n.) Old form(s): chucke, chuckes
chicken, chick [usually as a term of endearment]
AC IV.iv.2[Antony to Cleopatra] No, my chuck
H5 III.ii.25[Pistol to Fluellen] Use lenity, sweet chuck!
LLL V.i.105[Armado to and of Holofernes] sweet chuck
LLL V.ii.659[Armado to all, of Hector] Sweet chucks, beat not the bones of the buried
Mac III.ii.45[Macbeth to Lady Macbeth] Be innocent of the knowledge, dearest chuck, / Till thou applaud the deed
Oth III.iv.49[Othello to Desdemona] What promise, chuck?
Oth IV.ii.23.2[Othello to Desdemona] Pray, chuck, come hither
TN III.iv.113[Sir Toby to Malvolio] How dost thou, chuck?

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