toy (n.) Old form(s): toyes
fancy, fantastic thought
E3 IV.iii.83[King John to Charles] all are frivolous fancies, toys, and dreams
Ham I.iv.75[Horatio to Hamlet, of the Elsinore cliff] The very place puts toys of desperation ... into every brain
Oth I.iii.265[Othello to all] when light-winged toys / Of feathered Cupid seel with wanton dullness / My speculative and officed instruments
Oth III.iv.152[Emilia to Desdemona, of Othello's mood] Pray heaven it be ... no conception nor no jealous toy / Concerning you
R3 I.i.60[Clarence to Richard, of King Edward's imaginings] suchlike toys as these / Hath moved his highness to commit me

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