shadow (n.) Old form(s): shaddow, shadowes
reflection, reflected image
AC V.ii.100.1[Cleopatra to Dolabella] t'imagine / An Antony were nature's piece 'gainst fancy, / Condemning shadows quite
JC I.ii.58[Cassius to Brutus] you have no such mirrors as will turn / Your hidden worthiness into your eye, / That you might see your shadow
KJ II.i.498[Lewis the Dauphin to King Philip, of Blanche] The shadow of myself formed in her eye [pun: 500]
Sonn.53.10[of spring] The one doth shadow of your beauty show
Tim II.ii.55[Apemantus to Varro's Servant] Dost dialogue with thy shadow?
TNK II.i.157[Palamon to Arcite] I ... am sufficient / To tell the world 'tis but a gaudy shadow
Ven.162[Venus to Adonis] Narcissus ... died to kiss his shadow in the brook

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