use (n.) Old form(s): vse
profit, interest, premium
KL I.iv.129[Fool to Lear] Can you make no use of nothing
MA II.i.256[Beatrice to Don Pedro, of Benedick's heart] I gave him use for it
MM I.i.40[Duke to Angelo, of Nature] she determines / Herself the glory of a creditor, / Both thanks and use
Sonn.134.10[] Thou usurer that putt'st forth all to use
Sonn.6.5[] That use is not forbidden usury, / Which happies those that pay the willing loan
TN III.i.49[Viola as Cesario to Feste, of two coins] being kept together and put to use
Ven.768[Venus to Adonis] gold that's put to use more gold begets

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