abuse (n.)
offence, wrong, insult, transgression
2H6 II.i.40[Gloucester aside to Cardinal] In thine own person answer thy abuse
3H6 III.iii.188[Warwick to Lewis] Did I let pass th'abuse done to my niece?
3H6 IV.i.13[George to Edward, of Lewis and Warwick's reaction to Edward's marriage] Which are so weak of courage and in judgement / That they'll take no offence at our abuse [or: deception]
E3 V.i.49[King Edward to Queen] a peaceful quietness brings most delight, / When most of all abuses are controlled
Luc.1315[of Tarquin's rape of Lucrece] She dares not thereof make discovery, / Lest he [Collatine] should hold it her own gross abuse
RJ III.i.193[Prince to Montague] Nor tears nor prayers shall purchase out abuses
Sonn.121.10[] they that level / At my abuses reckon up their own
Sonn.134.12[of a friend] So him I lose through my unkind abuse

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