voice (n.) Old form(s): voyce, voyces
authoritative opinion, judgement
H8 II.ii.86[Wolsey to King Henry, of his action] in committing freely / Your scruple to the voice of Christendom
H8 V.iii.175[King Henry to Cranmer] The common voice, I see, is verified / Of thee
H8 V.iii.88[Lord Chancellor to Cranmer] I take it, by all voices, that forthwith / You be conveyed to th'Tower a prisoner
Ham V.ii.243[Laertes to Hamlet] I have a voice and precedent of peace
MV III.ii.76[Bassanio to himself] In law, what plea so tainted and corrupt, / But being seasoned with a gracious voice, / Obscures the show of evil?
MV IV.i.353[Portia as Balthasar to Shylock] the offender's life lies in the mercy / Of the Duke only, 'gainst all other voice
MW I.iii.42[Falstaff to Pistol, of Mistress Ford] the hardest voice of her behaviour [i.e. the most severe interpretation of her behaviour]
Oth I.ii.13[Iago to Othello] the Magnifico is much beloved, / And hath in his effect a voice potential / As double as the Duke's
TC I.iii.187[Nestor to all, of Achilles and Patroclus] Who ... opinion crowns / With an imperial voice
TC IV.v.70[Aeneas to the Greeks, of Ajax and Hector] [shall they] be divided / By any voice or order of the field?

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