vassal (n.) Old form(s): vassail , vassaile, Vassailes, vassall , Vassalls
servant, slave, subject
1H6 IV.i.125[Gloucester to Vernon and Basset] Presumptuous vassals
2H4 IV.v.176[Prince Henry to King Henry IV] make me as the poorest vassal is
2H6 IV.i.111[Suffolk to Lieutenant] It is impossible that I should die / By such a lowly vassal as thyself
AC[Pompey to Caesar, of Fortune] shall she never come / To make my heart her vassal
AC V.ii.29[Cleopatra to Proculeius, of Caesar] I am his fortune's vassal
AW I.iii.154[Helena to Countess, of Bertram] I ... will his vassal die
AW II.i.199[Helena to King, of the person she will request as a husband] thy vassal, whom I know / Is free for me to ask
Cor III.ii.9[Coriolanus to Nobles, of the Plebeians] my mother ... was wont / To call them woollen vassals
Cym V.v.113[disguised Innogen to Cymbeline] I ... being born your vassal
E3 II.ii.41[King Edward alone, of the Countess] I to her / Am as a kneeling vassal
H5 III.ii.7[Pistol to Nym] God's vassals drop and die
KL I.i.161.2[Lear to Kent] O vassal, miscreant!
LLL IV.i.67[Boyet reading Armado's letter to Jaquenetta] have commiseration on thy heroical vassal
Luc.1360[of Lucrece's groom] the duteous vassal scarce is gone
Luc.666[Lucrece to Tarquin] thy thoughts, low vassals to thy state
R3 II.i.123[King Edward to all] your waiting vassals / Have done a drunken slaughter
Sonn.58.4[] I ... Being your vassal bound to stay your leisure
Tem I.ii.374.1[Caliban aside, of Prospero's magic] It would control my dam's god Setebos, / And make a vassal of him
TNK V.i.84[Palamon praying to Venus] [who] mayst force the king / To be his subject's vassal

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