yoke (v.) Old form(s): yoake , yoakes
associate, link, join, couple
3H6 IV.i.23[Richard to Edward, of Edward and Lady Grey] 'twere pity / To sunder them that yoke so well together
3H6 IV.vi.49[Warwick to George] We'll yoke together
Cor III.i.57.1[Sicinius to Coriolanus] never be so noble as a consul, / Nor yoke with him for tribune
Cym IV.ii.19[Arviragus to all] I yoke me / In my good brother's fault
Cym IV.ii.51.2[Arviragus to Belarius and Guiderius, of disguised Innogen] Nobly he yokes / A smiling with a sigh

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