desperate (adj.)
despairing, hopeless, without hope
Cym IV.iii.6[Cymbeline to all] my queen / Upon a desperate bed [i.e. deathbed]
H5 IV.ii.37[Grandpr?š to all, of the English army] Yon island carrions, desperate of their bones
Ham IV.vii.26[Laertes to Claudius] A sister driven into desperate terms
MW III.v.114[Ford as Brook to Falstaff] My suit, then, is desperate?
Sonn.147.7[] I desperate now approve / Desire is death
TG III.ii.5[Thurio to Duke, of Silvia] I am desperate of obtaining her
Tim III.iv.103[Hortensius to Servants, of Timon] These debts may well be called desperate ones, for a madman owes 'em
TN II.ii.8[Malvolio to Viola as Cesario, of Olivia] you should put your lord into a desperate assurance she will none of him

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