despiteful (adj.) Old form(s): Despightfull , despightful'st
cruel, spiteful, malicious
AC[Pompey to Caesar, Antony and Lepidus] th'ingratitude that despiteful Rome / Cast on my noble father
AW III.iv.13[Steward reading Helena's letter, of Bertram] I, his despiteful Juno, sent him forth
AYL V.ii.75[Rosalind as Ganymede to Phebe] it is my study / To seem despiteful
R3 IV.i.36[Anne to all, of her being crowned Richard's queen] Despiteful tidings!
TC IV.i.33[Paris to Diomedes and Aeneas] This is the most despiteful'st gentle greeting ... that e'er I heard of [F; Q despightfull]
Tit IV.iv.50[Saturninus to Tamora] Despiteful and intolerable wrongs!

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