disposition (n.)
inclination, mood, frame of mind
AYL II.iv.77[Corin to Rosalind as Ganymede] My master is of churlish disposition
AYL IV.i.103[Rosalind as Ganymede to Orlando] I will be your Rosalind in a more coming-on disposition
AYL IV.iii.118[Oliver to Rosalind and Celia disguised, of the lion] The royal disposition of that beast
Cor I.vi.74[Martius to all intending to follow him] Let him ... / Wave thus to express his disposition, / And follow Martius
Cor II.i.29[Menenius to Brutus and Sicinius] Give your dispositions the reins
Cor II.ii.13[Second Officer to First Officer, of Coriolanus and the people] the true knowledge he has in their disposition
Cor III.ii.21[Volumnia to Coriolanus] Lesser had been / The crossings of your dispositions
Ham III.i.12[Guildenstern to Gertrude, of Hamlet] But with much forcing of his disposition
KL I.i.303[Gonerill to Regan] If our father carry authority with such disposition as he bears
KL I.iv.217[Gonerill to Lear] put away / These dispositions which of late transport you
KL I.iv.289[Gonerill to Albany, of Lear] let his disposition have that scope / As dotage gives it
KL II.ii.151[Gloucester to disguised Kent, of Cornwall] Whose disposition ... / Will not be rubbed nor stopped
KL III.v.5[Cornwall to Edmund, of Edgar and Gloucester] I now perceive it was not altogether your brother's evil disposition made him seek his death
KL IV.ii.31[Albany to Gonerill] I fear your disposition
MM I.ii.117[Provost to Claudio, of taking him to prison] I do it not in evil disposition
RJ I.iii.66[Lady Capulet to Juliet] How stands your dispositions to be married?

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