distract (adj.)
deranged, mad, mentally disturbed
2H6 III.ii.318[Suffolk to Queen] Mine hair be fixed on end, as one distract
CE IV.iii.42[Antipholus of Syracuse to himself, of Dromio of Syracuse] The fellow is distract
Ham IV.v.2[Gentleman to Gertrude, of Ophelia] She is importunate, indeed distract
JC IV.iii.153[Brutus to Cassius, of Portia] she fell distract, / And ... swallowed fire
KL IV.vi.280[Gloucester to disguised Edgar] Better I were distract
Tit IV.iii.26[Marcus to Publius, of Titus] To see thy noble uncle thus distract?
TN V.i.277[Olivia to Orsino, of Malvolio] They say, poor gentleman, he's much distract

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