drift (n.)
plan, intention, aim
3H6 I.ii.46[York to all] And yet the King not privy to my drift
Ham IV.vii.150[Claudius to Laertes] If ... our drift look through our bad performance
MM IV.v.4[Duke to Friar Peter] hold you ever to our special drift
RJ II.iii.51[Friar to Romeo] Be plain, good son, and homely in thy drift
RJ IV.i.114[Friar to Juliet] Shall Romeo by my letters know our drift
TG II.vi.43[Proteus alone, as if to love] thou hast lent me wit to plot this drift
TG III.i.18[Proteus to Duke, of Valentine] I rather chose / To cross my friend in his intended drift
TG IV.ii.80[Proteus to Thurio] you shall say my cunning drift excels

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