an if (conj.)
1H4 II.iii.91 [Lady Percy to Hotspur] I'll break thy little finger, Harry / An if thou wilt not tell me all things true
1H4 IV.ii.7 [Falstaff to Bardolph, of a bottle of sack costing an angel] An if it do, take it for thy labour
1H6 III.i.155 [Gloucester to King] An if your grace mark every circumstance, / You have great reason to do Richard right
1H6 IV.i.180 [Richard to Warwick, of the King thinking him harm] An if I wist he did - but let it rest
1H6 [Talbot to John, of the French] By me they nothing gain an if I stay
1H6 [John to Talbot] An if I fly, I am not Talbot's son
1H6 V.iii.127 [Margaret to Suffolk] An if my father please, I am content
1H6 V.iv.75 [Richard to Pucelle, of her unborn child] It dies, an if it had a thousand lives
2H6 II.i.123 [Simpcox to Gloucester, being asked his name] Saunder Simpcox, an if it please you, master
2H6 II.i.41[Cardinal to Gloucester, of a challenge] an if thou darest
2H6 II.iii.74 [Peter to Robin] an if I die, I give thee my apron
3H6 I.i.137 [King to York of a king adopting an heir] An if he may, then am I lawful king
3H6 III.ii.22 [Richard to George, of Edward, as if to Lady Grey] I'll warrant you all your lands, / An if what pleases him shall pleasure you
3H6 V.v.59 [Queen to all] my heart will burst an if I speak
AC IV.iii.10[Second Soldier to other soldiers] An if tomorrow / Our navy thrive, I have an absolute hope
AW II.iii.238 [Parolles alone, of Lafew] I'll beat him an if I could but meet him again
AYL II.v.54 [Jaques to Amiens, of a man in a song] An if he will come to me
CE III.ii.156 [Antipholus of Syracuse to Dromio of Syracuse] An if the wind blow any way from shore / I will not harbour in this town tonight
CE IV.i.43 [Antipholus of Ephesus to Angelo, of who has a chain] An if I have not, sir, I hope you have
CE IV.iii.75 [Dromio of Syracuse to Antipholus of Syracuse, of giving a ring to the Courtesan] an if you give it her, / The devil will shake her chain
H5 II.iv.120 [Exeter to Dauphin] an if your father's highness / Do not ... Sweeten the bitter mock
H8 V.i.11 [Gardiner to Lovell] An if there be / No great offence belongs to't, give your friend / Some touch of your late business
Ham I.v.176 [Hamlet to all, of what they might say] We could, an if we would
KJ I.i.138 [Bastard to Queen Eleanor] an if my brother had my shape / And I had his
KJ II.i.131 [Constance to Queen Eleanor, of the Bastard] It cannot be, an if thou wert his mother
KJ II.i.401[Bastard to King Philip] An if thou hast the mettle of a king, / ... Turn thou the mouth of thy artillery
KJ IV.i.112 [Arthut to Hubert, or reviving the heated iron] An if you do, you will but make it blush
KJ IV.i.54 [Arthur to Hubert] Do, An if you will
KJ IV.i.68 [Arthur to Hubert] An if an angel should have come to me / And told me
LLL I.i.50 [Berowne to King] Let me say no, my liege, an if you please
LLL IV.i.136 [Boyet to Costard] An if my hand be out, then belike your hand is in.
LLL IV.ii.82 [Holofernes to Costard[ An if one should be pierced, which is the one?
LLL V.ii.232 [Berowne to Princess] two treys, an if you grow so nice
LLL V.ii.32 [Rosaline to Princess] An if my face were but as fair as yours, / My favour were as great
MA V.i.169 [Don Pedro to Claudio] an if she did not hate him deadly, she would love him dearly
MND II.ii.159[Hermia, to absent Lysander] Speak an if you hear
MND III.ii.78 [Demetrius to Hermia] An if I could, what should I get therefore?
MV IV.i.442 [Portia to Bassanio] An if your wife be not a madwoman, / ... She would not hold out enemy for ever
MV V.i.159 [Gratiano to Nerissa, of the clerk wearing hair on his face] He will, an if he live to be a man
Oth III.iv.82.1 [Desdemona to Othello, of her handkerchief being lost] But what an if it were?
Per [Boult to Bawd, of Marina] An if she were a thornier piece of ground than she is, she shall be ploughed
R2 IV.i.263 [Richard to all] An if my word be sterling yet in England / Let it command a mirror hither straight
R2 V.iii.112 [Duchess of York to King Henry] An if I were thy nurse thy tongue to teach, / 'Pardon' should be the first word of thy speech
R3 III.i.148 [Prince Edward to Richard, of his uncles] An if they live, I hope I need not fear
R3 III.i.91 [Prince Edward to Buckingham] An if I live until I be a man, / I'll win our ancient right in France again
RJ I.i.196 [Benvolio to Romeo] An if you leave me so, you do me wrong
RJ II.i.22 [Benvolio to Mercutio, of Romeo] An if he hear thee, thou wilt anger him
RJ III.v.71 [Lady Capulet to Juliet, of Tybalt] An if thou couldst, thou couldst not make him live
RJ V.i.50 [Romeo to himself] An if a man did need a poison now ... / Here lives a caitiff wretch would sell it him
Tem II.ii.114[Caliban to himself, of Stephano and Trinculo] These be fine things, an if they be not sprites
Tem V.i.117[Alonso to Prospero] This must crave - / An if this be at all – a most strange story
TG I.i.75 [Proteus to Speed] a sheep doth very often stray, / An if the shepherd be a while away
TG III.i.257 [Valentine to Launce] an if thou seest my boy, / Bid him make haste
TG III.i.357 [Launce to Speed] an if it be a match, as nothing is impossible
TN II.iii.107 [Feste singing to Sir Toby] What an if you do?

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