doit (n.) Old form(s): doite, Dolts, Doyt
[small Dutch coin = half an English farthing] trivial sum, worthless amount, trifle
2H6 III.i.112[Gloucester to all] That doit that e'er I wrested from the King ... / Be brought against me at my trial day!
AC IV.xii.37[Antony to Cleopatra, of their being displayed by Caesar in Rome] most monster-like be shown / For poor'st diminutives, for doits [F dolts]
Cor I.v.6[Martius to Lartius, of the Roman soldiers' spoils] Cushions, leaden spoons, / Irons of a doit
Cor IV.iv.17[Coriolanus alone] On a dissension of a doit
Cor V.iv.56[Menenius to all] This morning for ten thousand of your throats / I'd not have given a doit
MV I.iii.137[Shylock to Antonio, of his offer] I would ... take no doit / Of usance for my moneys
Per IV.ii.48[Boult to Bawd] I cannot be bated one doit of a thousand pieces [i.e. I can't get the price reduced at all from a thousand pieces]
Tem II.ii.31[Trinculo to himself, of people in England] they will not give a doit to relieve a lame beggar
Tim I.i.215[Apemantus to Timon, of liking a jewel] Not so well as plain-dealing, which will not cost a man a doit

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