degree (n.)
step, stage, rung
3H6 II.i.192[Warwick to Edward] The next degree is England's royal throne
Cor II.ii.24[Second Officer to First Officer, of Coriolanus] his ascent is not by such easy degrees
JC II.i.26[Brutus alone, of an ambitious man getting to the top] scorning the base degrees / By which he did ascend
Tim IV.iii.254[Timon to Apemantus] Hadst thou ... proceeded / The sweet degrees that this brief world affords [also: academic degree]
TN I.v.130[Olivia to Feste, of Sir Toby] he's in the third degree of drink
TN III.i.120.2[Olivia to Viola as Cesario, of pity] That's a degree to love

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