abuse (v.) Old form(s): abusd, abus'd
misuse, maltreat, treat badly, wrong
2H6 V.i.172[King to Salisbury, of experience] wherefore dost abuse it, if thou hast it?
AW V.iii.292[King to all, of Diana] She does abuse our ears
AW V.iii.296[Diana to King, of Bertram] this lord / Who hath abused me
Cym II.iii.148.2[Cloten to Innogen] You have abused me [also: sense 3]
KL III.vii.90[Gloucester to all] Then Edgar was abused
KL IV.vii.53[Lear to all] I am mightily abused
Luc.1267[] who cannot abuse a body dead?
MW I.i.3[Shallow to Evans, of Falstaff] he shall not abuse Robert Shallow, Esquire
MW II.ii.278[Ford alone] My bed shall be abused
Oth V.i.123.1[Bianca to Emilia] I am no strumpet, but of life as honest / As you that thus abuse me
R3 I.iii.52[Richard to Grey, of a plain man] thus his simple truth must be abused
RJ IV.i.29[Paris to Juliet] thy face is much abused with tears
Sonn.4.5[] Then beauteous niggard why dost thou abuse, / The bounteous largess given thee to give?
Sonn.42.7[] for my sake even so doth she abuse me, / Suff'ring my friend for my sake to approve her
TN III.i.110[Olivia to Viola as Cesario] So did I abuse / Myself, my servant, and, I fear me, you [or: sense 3]
TN IV.ii.47[Malvolio to disguised Feste] there was never man thus abused
TN V.i.376[Olivia to all, of Malvolio] He hath been most notoriously abused
TNK V.i.89[Palamon praying to Venus, of an old man] make him, to the scorn of his hoarse throat, / Abuse young lays of love
TS V.i.97[Vincentio to all] Thus strangers may be haled and abused
WT IV.iv.350[disguised Polixenes to Florizel] If your lass / Interpretation should abuse [i.e. should misinterpret what you have done]

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