exclaim (n.) Old form(s): exclaime, exclaimes
exclamation, outcry, protest
R2 I.ii.2[John of Gaunt to Duchess of Gloucester] the part I had in Woodstock's blood / Doth more solicit me than your exclaims
R3 I.ii.52[Anne to Richard, of the earth] thou hast ... / Filled it with cursing cries and deep exclaims
R3 IV.iv.135[Duchess of York to Queen Elizabeth] Be copious in exclaims
TC V.iii.91[Hector to Priam, of Cassandra] You are amazed, my liege, at her exclaim
Tit IV.i.85[Marcus to Titus] There is enough written upon this earth / To ... arm the minds of infants to exclaims

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