Sentences containing more than one Latin word are translated here:
Ad Apollinem (Tit IV.iii.54): To Apollo
Ad Jovem (Tit IV.iii.54): To Jove
Ad manes fratrum (Tit I.i.101): To the shades of [our] brothers
Ad Martem (Tit IV.iii.55): To Mars
Aio te, Aeacida, Romanos vincere posse (2H6 I.iv.61): I proclaim that you, the descendant of Aeacus, can conquer the Romans; or, I proclaim that the Romans can conquer you, the descendant of Aeacus
Bis coctus (LLL IV.ii.22): Cooked twice
Cucullus non facit monachum (MM V.i.261): The hood does not make the monk
Cum multis aliis (TNK III.v.132): With many others
Cum privilegio (H8 I.iii.34): By special licence
Cum privilegio ad imprimendum solum (TS IV.iv.89): By special licence with the sole right to print
Dii boni (TNK III.v.84): Good gods!
Di faciant laudis summa sit ista tuae (3H6 I.iii.48): May the gods cause this action to be that which makes you best known
Dii deaeque omnes (TNK III.v.157): All you gods and goddesses
Diluculo surgere (TN II.iii.2): To rise at dawn [is most healthy]
Ecce signum (1H4 II.iv.163): Behold the evidence
Ego et Rex meus (H8 III.ii.314): My King and I
Et bonum quo antiquius eo melius (Per Chorus.I.10): And the older a good thing is, the better
Et opus exegi, quod nec Iovis ira nec ignis (TNK III.v.89): And I have completed a work that neither the anger of Jove nor fire
Et tu, Brute (JC III.i.77): And thou, Brutus
Fauste, precor gelida quando pecus omne sub umbra ruminat (LLL IV.ii.92): I pray, Faustus, when all the cattle ruminate in the cool shade
Haud credo (LLL IV.ii.11): I don't believe it
Hic et ubique (Ham I.v.156): Here and everywhere
Hic ibat Simois, hic est Sigeia tellus, / Hic steterat Priami regia celsa senis (TS III.i.28): Here ran the SImois; here is the Sigeian land; here stood the lofty palace of old Priam
Hic jacet (AW Here lies (on a tombstone)
Ignis fatuus (1H4 III.iii.39): fool's fire [will o' the wisp]
In capite (2H6 IV.vii.116): As a head
In hac spe vivo (Per II.ii.43): In this hope I live
Integer vitae scelerisque purus, Non eget Mauri iaculis, nec arcu (Tit IV.ii.20): The one upright of life and unstained by crime does not need the javelins or the bow of the Moor
In terram Salicam mulierres ne succedant (H5 I.ii.38): No woman shall succeed in Salic land
Intrate, filii (TNK III.v.136): Come in, boys
In via (LLL IV.ii.14): In way
Invitis nubibus (2H6 IV.i.99): In spite of clouds
Ipso facto (TNK V.ii.35): By itself
Ira furor brevis est (Tim I.ii.27): Anger is a madness that doesn't last long
Laus Deo, bono intelligo (LLL V.i.27): God be praised, I understand good
Lege, domine (LLL IV.ii.103): Read, master
Limbo Patrum (H8 V.iv.63): Limbo of the fathers [in jail]
Lux tua vita mihi (Per II.ii.21): Thy light is life to me
Magni dominator poli, Tam lentus audis scelera, tam lentus vides (Tit IV.i.81): Master of the great heavens, do you so calmly hear crimes, so calmly see them
Manu cita (LLL V.i.65): With a ready hand
Medice, teipsum (2H6 II.i.51): Physician, heal thyself
Memento mori (1H4 III.iii.30): Reminder of death
Me pompae provexit apex (Per II.ii.30): The honour of the contest led me on
Mollis aer (Cym V.v.448): Soft air
Ne intellegis, domine (LLL V.i.25): Do you understand, sir
Non nobis (H5 IV.viii.122): Not to us [opening words of Psalm 115, 'Give praise not to us, O God']
Novi hominem tanquam te (LLL V.i.9): I know the man as well as I know you
Obsque hoc nihil est (2H4 V.v.28): Apart from this there is nothing
Omne bene (LLL IV.ii.32): All's well
Pauca verba (MW I.i.114): Few words
Pene gelidus timor occupat artus (2H6 IV.i.118): Cold fear almost completely seizes my limbs
Per se (TC I.ii.15): By himself
Per Stygia, per manes vehor (Tit II.i.135): I am carried across the Styx, through the shades of the dead
Pia mater (LLL IV.ii.70): [literally] dutiful mother [membrane covering the brain]
Praeclarissimus filius noster Henricus, Rex Angliae et Haeres Franciae (H5 V.ii.333): Our most renowned son Henry, King of England and heir of France
Proh deum, medius fidius (TNK III.v.11): O God! Heaven help me!
Qui me alit me extinguit (Per II.ii.33): Who feeds me extinguishes me
Quousque tandem (TNK III.v.38): How much longer
Redime te captum quam queas minimo (TS I.i.159): Free yourself from captivity at the lowest ransom
Respice finem (CE IV.iv.39): Think of your end
Sancta majestas (2H6 V.i.5): Sacred majesty
Satis quod sufficit (LLL V.i.1): That is enough which suffices [Enough is as good as a feast]
Semper idem (2H4 V.v.28): Always the same
Se offendendo [= se defendendo] (Ham V.i.9): In self-defence
Sic et vos: (E3 III.iv.126): And so should you
Sic fas aut nefas (Tit II.i.133): Be it right or wrong
Sic spectanda fides (Per II.ii.38): Thus is faithfulness to be tested
Suum cuique (Tit I.i.283): To each his own
Tanta est erga tementis integritas, Regena serenissima (H8 III.i.40): So great is the integrity of our purpose towards you, most noble Queen
Tantaene animis coelestibus irae (2H6 II.i.24): Is there so much anger in heavenly minds
Te Deum (H5 IV.viii.122): Thee God [opening words of Te Deum laudamus, 'We praise thee, God']
Terras Astraea reliquit (Tit IV.iii.4): Astraea has left the earth
Tremor cordis (WT I.ii.110): palpitation of the heart
Veni, vidi, vici (LLL IV.i.70): I came, I saw, I conquered
Video et gaudeo (LLL V.i.31): I see and I rejoice
Videsne quis venit (LLL V.i.30): Do you see who is coming
Vir sapit qui pauca loquitur (LLL IV.ii.79): It's a wise man that says little
Viva voce (H8 II.i.18): By word of mouth
For grammatical abbreviations
As well as the errors listed above, there are also instances of mock Latin, produced by Feste (in his role as Sir Topas) and Costard.