All's Well That Ends Well

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter yong Bertram Count of Rossillion, his Mother, Enter young Bertram, Count of Rossillion, his mother AW I.i.1.1
and Helena, Lord Lafew, all in blacke.the Countess, Helena, and Lord Lafew; all in black AW I.i.1.2
IN deliuering my sonne from me, I burie a secondIn delivering my son from me, I bury a seconddeliver (v.)

old form: deliuering
free, release, liberate
AW I.i.1
husband.husband. AW I.i.2
And I in going Madam, weep ore my fathersAnd I in going, madam, weep o'er my father's AW I.i.3
death anew; but I must attend his maiesties command,death anew; but I must attend his majesty's command,attend (v.)
see to, look after, apply oneself to
AW I.i.4
to whom I am now in Ward, euermore in whom I am now in ward, evermore in subjection.ward, in
as a ward, under guardianship
AW I.i.5
You shall find of the King a husband Madame,You shall find of the King a husband, madam; AW I.i.6
you sir a father. He that so generally is at all times good,you, sir, a father. He that so generally is at all times goodgenerally (adv.)
universally, without exception, in the eyes of all
AW I.i.7
must of necessitie hold his vertue to you, whose worthinessemust of necessity hold his virtue to you, whose worthinesshold (v.)
keep, maintain, observe
AW I.i.8
virtue (n.)

old form: vertue
goodness, benevolence, kindness
would stirre it vp where it wanted rather then lack itwould stir it up where it wanted, rather than lack itwant (v.)
fall short [of], be deficient [in]
AW I.i.9
where there is such abundance.where there is such abundance. AW I.i.10
What hope is there of his MaiestiesWhat hope is there of his majesty's AW I.i.11
amendment?amendment?amendment (n.)
recovery, recuperation, improvement
AW I.i.12
He hath abandon'd his Phisitions Madam, vnderHe hath abandoned his physicians, madam, under AW I.i.13
whose practises he hath persecuted time with hope, and whose practices he hath persecuted time with hope, and AW I.i.14
finds no other aduantage in the processe, but onely thefinds no other advantage in the process but only the AW I.i.15
loosing of hope by time.losing of hope by time. AW I.i.16
This yong Gentlewoman had a father, OThis young gentlewoman had a father – O AW I.i.17
that had, how sad a passage tis, whose skill wasthat ‘ had,’ how sad a passage 'tis! – whose skill waspassage (n.)
expression, turn of phrase
AW I.i.18
almost as great as his honestie, had it stretch'd so far,almost as great as his honesty; had it stretched so far,honesty (n.)

old form: honestie
honour, integrity, uprightness
AW I.i.19
would haue made nature immortall, and death shouldwould have made nature immortal, and death should AW I.i.20
haue play for lacke of worke. Would for the Kings sake heehave play for lack of work. Would for the King's sake he AW I.i.21
were liuing, I thinke it would be the death of the Kingswere living! I think it would be the death of the King's AW I.i.22
disease.disease. AW I.i.23
How call'd you the man you speake of Madam?How called you the man you speak of, madam? AW I.i.24
He was famous sir in his profession, and itHe was famous, sir, in his profession, and it AW I.i.25
was his great right to be so: Gerard de Narbonwas his great right to be so: Gerard de Narbon. AW I.i.26
He was excellent indeed Madam, the King veryHe was excellent indeed, madam. The King very AW I.i.27
latelie spoke of him admiringly, and mourningly: heelately spoke of him admiringly, and mourningly. Hemourningly (adv.)
in a spirit of mourning
AW I.i.28
lately (adv.)

old form: latelie
recently, of late
was skilfull enough to haue liu'd stil, if knowledge couldwas skilful enough to have lived still, if knowledge could AW I.i.29
be set vp against set up against mortality. AW I.i.30
What is it (my good Lord) the King languishesWhat is it, my good lord, the King languishes AW I.i.31
of?of? AW I.i.32
A Fistula my Lord.A fistula, my lord.fistula (n.)
type of ulcer, abscess
AW I.i.33
I heard not of it before.I heard not of it before. AW I.i.34
I would it were not notorious. Was this GentlewomanI would it were not notorious. Was this gentlewoman AW I.i.35
the Daughter of Gerard de Narbonthe daughter of Gerard de Narbon? AW I.i.36
His sole childe my Lord, and bequeathed to myHis sole child, my lord, and bequeathed to my AW I.i.37
ouer looking. I haue those hopes of her good, that heroverlooking. I have those hopes of her good, that heroverlooking (n.)

old form: ouer looking
guardianship, looking after, custody
AW I.i.38
education promises her dispositions shee inherits, whicheducation promises her dispositions she inherits – whichpromise (v.)
add to, reinforce, augment
AW I.i.39
disposition (n.)
aptitude, gift, capacity
makes faire gifts fairer: for where an vncleane mindmakes fair gifts fairer; for where an unclean mindmind (n.)
character, disposition, spirit
AW I.i.40
unclean (adj.)

old form: vncleane
impure, corrupted, bad
carries vertuous qualities, there commendations go withcarries virtuous qualities, there commendations go withquality (n.)
accomplishment, capacity, ability
AW I.i.41
pitty, they are vertues and traitors too: in her they are thepity: they are virtues and traitors too. In her they are the AW I.i.42
better for their simplenesse; she deriues her honestie, andbetter for their simpleness. She derives her honesty andsimpleness (n.)

old form: simplenesse
unpretentiousness, unaffected behaviour, unassuming simplicity
AW I.i.43
derive (v.)

old form: deriues
inherit, fall heir to
atcheeues her goodnesse.achieves her goodness.achieve (v.)

old form: atcheeues
gain, obtain, procure
AW I.i.44
Lafew. LAFEW 
Your commendations Madam get from her teares.Your commendations, madam, get from her tears.get (v.)
beget, conceive, breed
AW I.i.45
'Tis the best brine a Maiden can season her'Tis the best brine a maiden can season herseason (v.)
preserve, keep
AW I.i.46
praise in. The remembrance of her father neuerpraise in. The remembrance of her father neverremembrance (n.)
memory, bringing to mind, recollection
AW I.i.47
approches her heart, but the tirrany of her sorrowesapproaches her heart but the tyranny of her sorrowstyranny (n.)

old form: tirrany
cruelty, barbarity, unmerciful violence
AW I.i.48
takes all liuelihood from her cheeke. No more of this takes all livelihood from her cheek. No more of this,livelihood (n.)

old form: liuelihood
liveliness, animation, vivacity
AW I.i.49
Helena go too, no more least it be rather thought youHelena; go to, no more, lest it be rather thought you AW I.i.50
affect a sorrow, then to haue------ affect a sorrow than to have't.affect (v.)
assume, display, put on, practise in an artificial way
AW I.i.51
I doe affect a sorrow indeed, but I haue it too.I do affect a sorrow indeed, but I have it too. AW I.i.52
Moderate lamentation is the right of the dead,Moderate lamentation is the right of the dead, AW I.i.53
excessiue greefe the enemie to the liuing.excessive grief the enemy to the living. AW I.i.54
If the liuing be enemie to the greefe, the excesseIf the living be enemy to the grief, the excess AW I.i.55
makes it soone mortall.makes it soon mortal. AW I.i.56
Maddam I desire your holie wishes.Madam, I desire your holy wishes. AW I.i.57
How vnderstand we that?How understand we that? AW I.i.58
Be thou blest Bertrame and succeed thy fatherBe thou blessed, Bertram, and succeed thy father AW I.i.59
In manners as in shape: thy blood and vertueIn manners as in shape! Thy blood and virtuemanner (n.)
(plural) morals, character, way of behaving
AW I.i.60
shape (n.)
appearance, aspect, visible form
virtue (n.)

old form: vertue
quality, accomplishment, ability
blood (n.)
nobility, breeding, gentility, good parentage
Contend for Empire in thee, and thy goodnesseContend for empire in thee, and thy goodnesscontend (v.)
compete, vie, rival
AW I.i.61
Share with thy birth-right. Loue all, trust a few,Share with thy birthright! Love all, trust a few,birthright (n.)

old form: birth-right
inherited qualities, naturally endowed traits
AW I.i.62
Doe wrong to none: be able for thine enemieDo wrong to none. Be able for thine enemyable (adj.)
powerful enough, sufficient, capable of dealing [with]
AW I.i.63
Rather in power then vse: and keepe thy friendRather in power than use, and keep thy friendpower (n.)
force, strength, might
AW I.i.64
Vnder thy owne lifes key. Be checkt for silence,Under thy own life's key. Be checked for silence,check (v.)

old form: checkt
rebuke, scold, reprimand
AW I.i.65
But neuer tax'd for speech. What heauen more wil,But never taxed for speech. What heaven more will,tax (v.)

old form: tax'd
censure, blame, take to task, disparage
AW I.i.66
That thee may furnish, and my prayers plucke downe,That thee may furnish and my prayers pluck down,furnish (v.)
provide, supply, possess
AW I.i.67
Fall on thy head. Farwell my Lord,Fall on thy head! Farewell. – My lord, AW I.i.68
'Tis an vnseason'd Courtier, good my Lord'Tis an unseasoned courtier: good my lord,unseasoned (adj.)

old form: vnseason'd
unready, immature, raw
AW I.i.69
Aduise him.Advise him. AW I.i.70.1
He cannot want the bestHe cannot want the bestwant (v.)
lack, need, be without
AW I.i.70.2
That shall attend his loue.That shall attend his love.attend (v.)
accompany, follow closely, go with
AW I.i.71
Heauen blesse him: Farwell Bertram.Heaven bless him! Farewell, Bertram. AW I.i.72
Exit AW I.i.72
The best wishes that can be forg'd in yourThe best wishes that can be forged in your AW I.i.73
thoghts be seruants to you: be comfortablethoughts be servants to you! (To Helena) Be comfortablecomfortable (adj.)
comforting, encouraging, reassuring
AW I.i.74
to my mother, your Mistris, and make much of my mother, your mistress, and make much of her. AW I.i.75
Farewell prettie Lady, you must hold the credit ofFarewell, pretty lady. You must hold the credit ofhold (v.)
keep, maintain, observe
AW I.i.76
credit (n.)
reputation, name, standing, honour
your father.your father. AW I.i.77
Exeunt Bertram and Lafew AW I.i.77
O were that all, I thinke not on my father,O, were that all! I think not on my father, AW I.i.78
And these great teares grace his remembrance moreAnd these great tears grace his remembrance moreremembrance (n.)
memory, bringing to mind, recollection
AW I.i.79
grace (v.)
favour, add merit to, do honour to
Then those I shed for him. What was he like?Than those I shed for him. What was he like? AW I.i.80
I haue forgott him. My imaginationI have forgot him. My imagination AW I.i.81
Carries no fauour in't but BertramsCarries no favour in't but Bertram's.favour (n.)

old form: fauour
[facial] appearance, countenance, features, looks
AW I.i.82
I am vndone, there is no liuing, none,I am undone: there is no living, none,undone (adj.)

old form: vndone
ruined, destroyed, brought down
AW I.i.83
If Bertram be away. 'Twere all one,If Bertram be away. 'Twere all one AW I.i.84
That I should loue a bright particuler starre,That I should love a bright particular star AW I.i.85
And think to wed it, he is so aboue meAnd think to wed it, he is so above me. AW I.i.86
In his bright radience and colaterall light,In his bright radiance and collateral lightcollateral (adj.)

old form: colaterall
[astronomy, of the movement of the spheres] parallel, side by side
AW I.i.87
Must I be comforted, not in his sphere;Must I be comforted, not in his sphere.sphere (n.)
celestial globe in which a heavenly body was thought to move, orbit
AW I.i.88
Th' ambition in my loue thus plagues it selfe:Th' ambition in my love thus plagues itself: AW I.i.89
The hind that would be mated by the LionThe hind that would be mated by the lion AW I.i.90
Must die for loue. 'Twas prettie, though a plagueMust die for love. 'Twas pretty, though a plague, AW I.i.91
To see him euerie houre to sit and drawTo see him every hour, to sit and draw AW I.i.92
His arched browes, his hawking eie, his curlesHis arched brows, his hawking eye, his curls,hawking (adj.)
hawk-like, sharp, alert
AW I.i.93
brow (n.)

old form: browes
In our hearts table: heart too capeableIn our heart's table – heart too capabletable (n.)
tablet, surface, paintbook
AW I.i.94
capable of

old form: capeable
appreciative of, able to take in
Of euerie line and tricke of his sweet fauour.Of every line and trick of his sweet favour.favour (n.)

old form: fauour
[facial] appearance, countenance, features, looks
AW I.i.95
trick (n.)

old form: tricke
peculiarity, idiosyncrasy, distinguishing trait
But now he's gone, and my idolatrous fancieBut now he's gone, and my idolatrous fancyfancy (n.)

old form: fancie
love, amorousness, infatuation
AW I.i.96
Must sanctifie his Reliques. Who comes heere?Must sanctify his relics. Who comes here? AW I.i.97
Enter Parrolles.Enter Parolles AW I.i.98
One that goes with him: I loue him for his sake,One that goes with him. I love him for his sake, AW I.i.98
And yet I know him a notorious Liar,And yet I know him a notorious liar, AW I.i.99
Thinke him a great way foole, solie a coward,Think him a great way fool, solely a coward,solely (adv.)

old form: solie
wholly, entirely, altogether
AW I.i.100
great way
complete, total, absolute
Yet these fixt euils sit so fit in him,Yet these fixed evils sit so fit in himfit (adv.)
suitably, fittingly, appropriately
AW I.i.101
That they take place, when Vertues steely bonesThat they take place when virtue's steely bonesplace (n.)
precedence, proper place
AW I.i.102
steely (adj.)
hard as steel
Lookes bleake i'th cold wind: withall, full ofte we seeLook bleak i'th' cold wind. Withal, full oft we seeoft (adv.)

old form: ofte
AW I.i.103
full (adv.)
very, exceedingly, extremely
bleak (adj.)

old form: bleake
pale, pallid, sickly
Cold wisedome waighting on superfluous follie.Cold wisdom waiting on superfluous folly.superfluous (adj.)
extravagant, wasteful, immoderate
AW I.i.104
Saue you faire Queene.Save you, fair queen! AW I.i.105
And you Monarch.And you, monarch! AW I.i.106
No.No. AW I.i.107
And no.And no. AW I.i.108
Are you meditating on virginitie?Are you meditating on virginity? AW I.i.109
I: you haue some staine of souldier in you: Let meeAy. You have some stain of soldier in you: let mestain (n.)

old form: staine
hint, tinge, dash
AW I.i.110
aske you a question. Man is enemie to virginitie, how mayask you a question. Man is enemy to virginity; how may AW I.i.111
we barracado it against him?we barricado it against him?barricado (v.)

old form: barracado
fortify, defend, protect [as with a barricade]
AW I.i.112
Keepe him out.Keep him out. AW I.i.113
But he assailes, and our virginitie though valiant,But he assails, and our virginity, though valiant, AW I.i.114
in the defence yet is weak: vnfold to vs some war-likein the defence yet is weak. Unfold to us some warlike AW I.i.115
resistance.resistance. AW I.i.116
There is none: Man setting downe before you,There is none. Man setting down before youset down (v.)

old form: setting downe
encamp, lay siege
AW I.i.117
will vndermine you, and blow you vp.will undermine you and blow you up.undermine (v.)

old form: vndermine
dig underneath; also: overthrow
AW I.i.118
Blesse our poore Virginity from vnderminers andBless our poor virginity from underminers andunderminer (n.)

old form: vnderminers
sapper; also: overthrower
AW I.i.119
blowers vp. Is there no Military policy how Virginsblowers-up! Is there no military policy how virgins AW I.i.120
might blow vp men?might blow up men? AW I.i.121
Virginity beeing blowne downe, Man will quicklierVirginity being blown down, man will quicklier AW I.i.122
be blowne vp: marry in blowing him downe againe,be blown up; marry, in blowing him down again,marry (int.)
[exclamation] by Mary
AW I.i.123
with the breach your selues made, you lose your Citty. Itwith the breach yourselves made you lose your city. It AW I.i.124
is not politicke, in the Common-wealth of Nature, to preserueis not politic in the commonwealth of nature to preserve AW I.i.125
virginity. Losse of Virginitie, is rationall encrease, andvirginity. Loss of virginity is rational increase, and AW I.i.126
there was neuer Virgin goe, till virginitie was first lost.there was never virgin got till virginity was first lost.get (v.)
beget, conceive, breed
AW I.i.127
That you were made of, is mettall to make Virgins.That you were made of is mettle to make virgins. AW I.i.128
Virginitie, by beeing once lost, may be ten times found: byVirginity, by being once lost, may be ten times found; by AW I.i.129
being euer kept, it is euer lost: 'tis too cold abeing ever kept it is ever lost. 'Tis too cold a AW I.i.130
companion: Away with't.companion. Away with't! AW I.i.131
I will stand for't a little, though therefore I dieI will stand for't a little, though therefore I die AW I.i.132
a Virgin.a virgin. AW I.i.133
There's little can bee saide in't, 'tis against theThere's little can be said in't; 'tis against the AW I.i.134
rule of Nature. To speake on the part of virginitie, is torule of nature. To speak on the part of virginity is to AW I.i.135
accuse your Mothers; which is most infallibleaccuse your mothers, which is most infallible AW I.i.136
disobedience. He that hangs himselfe is a Virgin: Virginitiedisobedience. He that hangs himself is a virgin; virginity AW I.i.137
murthers it selfe, and should be buried in highwayes out ofmurders itself, and should be buried in highways out ofmurther (n./v.)
variant spelling of ‘murder’
AW I.i.138
all sanctified limit, as a desperate Offendresse against all sanctified limit, as a desperate offendress againstoffendress (n.)

old form: Offendresse
female offender
AW I.i.139
limit (n.)
ground, territory
sanctified (adj.)
consecrated, holy
Nature. Virginitie breedes mites, much like a Cheese, consumesnature. Virginity breeds mites, much like a cheese, consumes AW I.i.140
it selfe to the very payring, and so dies with feedingitself to the very paring, and so dies with feeding AW I.i.141
his owne stomacke. Besides, Virginitie is peeuish, proud,his own stomach. Besides, virginity is peevish, proud,peevish (adj.)

old form: peeuish
obstinate, perverse, self-willed [contrast modern sense of ‘irritable, morose’]
AW I.i.142
ydle, made of selfe-loue, which is the most inhibited sinne inidle, made of self-love which is the most inhibited sin ininhibited (adj.)
prohibited, forbidden, proscribed
AW I.i.143
the Cannon. Keepe it not, you cannot choose but loose by't.the canon. Keep it not; you cannot choose but loose by't.keep (v.)

old form: Keepe
guard, watch, tend
AW I.i.144
canon (n.)

old form: Cannon
scriptural canon, Bible
Out with't: within ten yeare it will make it selfe two, whichOut with't! Within ten year it will make itself two, whichout (adv.)
into public circulation, out to interest
AW I.i.145
is a goodly increase, and the principall it selfe not muchis a goodly increase, and the principal itself not much AW I.i.146
the worse. Away with't.the worse. Away with't! AW I.i.147
How might one do sir, to loose it to her owneHow might one do, sir, to lose it to her own AW I.i.148
liking?liking? AW I.i.149
Let mee see. Marry ill, to like him that ne're itLet me see. Marry, ill, to like him that ne'er itill (adv.)
badly, adversely, unfavourably
AW I.i.150
likes. 'Tis a commodity wil lose the glosse with lying:likes. 'Tis a commodity will lose the gloss with lying; AW I.i.151
The longer kept, the lesse worth: Off with't while 'tisthe longer kept, the less worth. Off with't while 'tis AW I.i.152
vendible. Answer the time of request, Virginitie like anvendible; answer the time of request. Virginity, like anvendible (adj.)
saleable, marketable, sought-after
AW I.i.153
olde Courtier, weares her cap out of fashion, richly suted,old courtier, wears her cap out of fashion, richly suited AW I.i.154
but vnsuteable, iust like the brooch & the tooth-pick,but unsuitable, just like the brooch and the toothpick,unsuitable (adj.)

old form: vnsuteable
unfashionable, old-fashioned, passe
AW I.i.155
which were not now: your Date is better in your Pye andwhich wear not now. Your date is better in your pie andwear (v.)
be the fashion, be trendy
AW I.i.156
your Porredge, then in your cheeke: and your virginity,your porridge than in your cheek; and your virginity, AW I.i.157
your old virginity, is like one of our French wither'dyour old virginity, is like one of our French withered AW I.i.158
peares, it lookes ill, it eates drily, marry 'tis a wither'dpears: it looks ill, it eats drily; marry, 'tis a witheredill (adv.)
badly, adversely, unfavourably
AW I.i.159
peare: it was formerly better, marry yet 'tis a wither'dpear; it was formerly better; marry, yet 'tis a withered AW I.i.160
peare: Will you any thing with it?pear. Will you anything with it?will (v.), past form would
desire, wish, want
AW I.i.161
Not my virginity yet:Not my virginity yet... AW I.i.162
There shall your Master haue a thousand loues,There shall your master have a thousand loves, AW I.i.163
A Mother, and a Mistresse, and a friend,A mother, and a mistress, and a friend, AW I.i.164
A Phenix, Captaine, and an enemy,A phoenix, captain, and an enemy,phoenix (n.)

old form: Phenix
wonder, marvel, paragon
AW I.i.165
A guide, a Goddesse, and a Soueraigne,A guide, a goddess, and a sovereign, AW I.i.166
A Counsellor, a Traitoresse, and a Deare:A counsellor, a traitress, and a dear; AW I.i.167
His humble ambition, proud humility:His humble ambition, proud humility, AW I.i.168
His iarring, concord: and his discord, dulcet:His jarring concord, and his discord dulcet, AW I.i.169
His faith, his sweet disaster: with a worldHis faith, his sweet disaster; with a worlddisaster (n.)
unlucky star, unfavourable planet
AW I.i.170
Of pretty fond adoptious christendomesOf pretty, fond, adoptious christendomschristendom (n.)

old form: christendomes
baptismal name, Christian name
AW I.i.171
fond (adj.)
foolish, trifling, frivolous
adoptious (adj.)
adopted, appropriated, taken up
That blinking Cupid gossips. Now shall he:That blinking Cupid gossips. Now shall he – gossip (v.)
act as a godparent, be a sponsor
AW I.i.172
Cupid (n.)
[pron: 'kyoopid] Roman god of love, son of Venus and Mercury; a winged, blindfolded boy with curved bow and arrows
blinking (adj.)
blind, sightless
I know not what he shall, God send him well,I know not what he shall. God send him well! AW I.i.173
The Courts a learning place, and he is one.The court's a learning-place, and he is one –  AW I.i.174
What one ifaith?What one, i' faith? AW I.i.175
That I wish well, 'tis pitty.That I wish well. 'Tis pity –  AW I.i.176
What's pitty?What's pity? AW I.i.177
That wishing well had not a body in't,That wishing well had not a body in't AW I.i.178
Which might be felt, that we the poorer borne,Which might be felt, that we, the poorer born, AW I.i.179
Whose baser starres do shut vs vp in wishes,Whose baser stars do shut us up in wishes,base (adj.)
low-born, lowly, plebeian, of lower rank
AW I.i.180
Might with effects of them follow our friends,Might with effects of them follow our friends, AW I.i.181
And shew what we alone must thinke, which neuerAnd show what we alone must think, which never AW I.i.182
Returnes vs thankes.Return us thanks. AW I.i.183
Enter Page.Enter Page AW I.i.184
Monsieur Parrolles / My Lord cals for you.Monsieur Parolles, my lord calls for you. AW I.i.184
Exit AW I.i.184
Little Hellen farewell, if I can remember thee,Little Helen, farewell. If I can remember thee AW I.i.185
I will thinke of thee at Court.I will think of thee at court. AW I.i.186
Monsieur Parolles you were borne vnder aMonsieur Parolles, you were born under a AW I.i.187
charitable starre.charitable star. AW I.i.188
Vnder Mars I.Under Mars, I.Mars (n.)
planet particularly associated with martial or aggressive temperaments
AW I.i.189
I especially thinke, vnder Mars.I especially think under Mars. AW I.i.190
Why vnder Mars?Why under Mars? AW I.i.191
The warres hath so kept you vnder, that you must The wars have so kept you under that you mustunder (adv.)

old form: vnder
down, in a bad way, in a low position
AW I.i.192
needes be borne vnder Mars.needs be born under Mars. AW I.i.193
When he was predominant.When he was predominant.predominant (adj.)
[astrology] in the ascendant, ruling
AW I.i.194
When he was retrograde I thinke rather.When he was retrograde, I think rather.retrograde (adj.)
[astrology] moving in a contrary direction
AW I.i.195
Why thinke you so?Why think you so? AW I.i.196
You go so much backward when you fight.You go so much backward when you fight. AW I.i.197
That's for aduantage.That's for advantage. AW I.i.198
So is running away, / When feare proposes the So is running away, when fear proposes the AW I.i.199
safetie: / But the composition that your valour and fearesafety. But the composition that your valour and fearcomposition (n.)
constitution, make-up, state [of mind and body]
AW I.i.200
makes in you, is a vertue of a good wing, and I like themakes in you is a virtue of a good wing, and I like thewing (n.)
flight, manner of flying
AW I.i.201
weare well.wear well.wear (n.)

old form: weare
fashion, vogue, trend
AW I.i.202
I am so full of businesses, I cannot answere theeI am so full of businesses I cannot answer thee AW I.i.203
acutely: I will returne perfect Courtier, in the which myacutely. I will return perfect courtier, in the which my AW I.i.204
instruction shall serue to naturalize thee, so thou wilt beinstruction shall serve to naturalize thee, so thou wilt benaturalize (v.)
familiarize, accustom, enlighten
AW I.i.205
capeable of a Courtiers councell, and vnderstand whatcapable of a courtier's counsel, and understand what AW I.i.206
aduice shall thrust vppon thee, else thou diest in thineadvice shall thrust upon thee; else thou diest in thine AW I.i.207
vnthankfulnes, and thine ignorance makes thee away,unthankfulness, and thine ignorance makes thee away. AW I.i.208
farewell: When thou hast leysure, say thy praiers: whenFarewell. When thou hast leisure, say thy prayers; whenleisure (n.)

old form: leysure
opportunity, moment, available time
AW I.i.209
thou hast none, remember thy Friends: Get thee a goodthou hast none, remember thy friends. Get thee a good AW I.i.210
husband, and vse him as he vses thee: So farewell.husband, and use him as he uses thee. So, farewell. AW I.i.211
Exit AW I.i.211
Our remedies oft in our selues do lye,Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie,oft (adv.)
AW I.i.212
Which we ascribe to heauen: the fated skyeWhich we ascribe to heaven. The fated skyfated (adj.)
fateful, controlling our destiny
AW I.i.213
Giues vs free scope, onely doth backward pullGives us free scope, only doth backward pull AW I.i.214
Our slow designes, when we our selues are dull.Our slow designs when we ourselves are dull.dull (adj.)
dead, lifeless, sluggish, inactive
AW I.i.215
What power is it, which mounts my loue so hye,What power is it which mounts my love so high,power (n.)
faculty, function, ability
AW I.i.216
That makes me see, and cannot feede mine eye?That makes me see, and cannot feed mine eye? AW I.i.217
The mightiest space in fortune, Nature bringsThe mightiest space in fortune nature bringsspace (n.)
distance, separation
AW I.i.218
To ioyne like, likes; and kisse like natiue things.To join like likes, and kiss like native things.native (adj.)

old form: natiue
closely related, connected by birth
AW I.i.219
like (n.)
identity, equivalent, counterpart
like (adj.)
same, similar, alike, equal
Impossible be strange attempts to thoseImpossible be strange attempts to those AW I.i.220
That weigh their paines in sence, and do supposeThat weigh their pains in sense, and do supposesense (n.)

old form: sence
feeling, sensibility, capacity to feel
AW I.i.221
What hath beene, cannot be. Who euer stroueWhat hath been cannot be. Who ever strove AW I.i.222
To shew her merit, that did misse her loue?To show her merit that did miss her love? AW I.i.223
(The Kings disease) my proiect may deceiue me,The King's disease – my project may deceive me, AW I.i.224
But my intents are fixt, and will not leaue me. But my intents are fixed, and will not leave me.intent (n.)
intention, purpose, aim
AW I.i.225
ExitExit AW I.i.225
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