Love's Labour's Lost

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Armado and Moth his Page.Enter Armado and Mote, his page LLL I.ii.1
Boy, What signe is it when a man of great spiritBoy, what sign is it when a man of great spirit LLL I.ii.1
growes melancholy?grows melancholy? LLL I.ii.2
Boy. MOTE 
A great signe sir, that he will looke sad.A great sign, sir, that he will look sad.sad (adj.)
serious, grave, solemn
LLL I.ii.3
Why? sadnesse is one and the selfe-same thingWhy, sadness is one and the selfsame thing, LLL I.ii.4
deare impe.dear imp.imp (n.)

old form: impe
child, scion, son
LLL I.ii.5
Boy. MOTE 
No no, O Lord sir no.No, no; O Lord, sir, no! LLL I.ii.6
How canst thou part sadnesse and melancholyHow canst thou part sadness and melancholy,part (v.)
distinguish between, differentiate
LLL I.ii.7
my tender Iuuenall?my tender juvenal?juvenal (n.)

old form: Iuuenall
youth, young man
LLL I.ii.8
Boy. MOTE 
By a familiar demonstration of the working, myBy a familiar demonstration of the working, myworking (n.)
operation, action, activity
LLL I.ii.9
tough signeur.tough signor. LLL I.ii.10
Why tough signeur? Why tough signeur?Why tough signor? Why tough signor? LLL I.ii.11
Boy. MOTE 
Why tender Iuuenall? Why tender Iuuenall?Why tender juvenal? Why tender juvenal? LLL I.ii.12
I spoke it tender Iuuenall, as a congruent apathaton,I spoke it, tender juvenal, as a congruent epithetonepitheton (n.)

old form: apathaton
epithet, adjective, description
LLL I.ii.13
congruent (adj.)
fitting, apt, suitable
appertaining to thy young daies, which we mayappertaining to thy young days, which we may LLL I.ii.14
nominate tender.nominate tender.nominate (v.)
name, specify, designate [as]
LLL I.ii.15
Boy. MOTE 
And I tough signeur, as an appertinent title to yourAnd I, tough signor, as an appertinent title to yourappertinent (adj.)
appertaining, belonging, relating
LLL I.ii.16
olde time, which we may name tough.old time, which we may name tough.time (n.)
age, years
LLL I.ii.17
Pretty and apt.Pretty and apt. LLL I.ii.18
Boy. MOTE 
How meane you sir, I pretty, and my saying apt? orHow mean you, sir? I pretty and my saying apt, or LLL I.ii.19
I apt, and my saying prettie?I apt and my saying pretty? LLL I.ii.20
Thou pretty because little.Thou pretty, because little. LLL I.ii.21
Boy. MOTE 
Little pretty, because little: wherefore apt?Little pretty, because little. Wherefore apt? LLL I.ii.22
And therefore apt, because quicke.And therefore apt, because quick. LLL I.ii.23
Boy. MOTE 
Speake you this in my praise Master?Speak you this in my praise, master? LLL I.ii.24
In thy condigne praise.In thy condign praise.condign (adj.)

old form: condigne
deserving, well-deserved, fitting
LLL I.ii.25
Boy. MOTE 
I will praise an Eele with the same praise.I will praise an eel with the same praise. LLL I.ii.26
What? that an Eele is ingenuous.What, that an eel is ingenious? LLL I.ii.27
Boy. MOTE 
That an Eeele is quicke.That an eel is quick.quick (adj.)

old form: quicke
living, vital, full of life
LLL I.ii.28
I doe say thou art quicke in answeres. Thou heat'st I do say thou art quick in answers. Thou heatestquick (adj.)

old form: quicke
quick-witted, inventive, lively
LLL I.ii.29
my blood. LLL I.ii.30
Boy. MOTE 
I am answer'd sir.I am answered, sir. LLL I.ii.31
I loue not to be crost.I love not to be crossed.cross (v.)

old form: crost
contradict, challenge, go against
LLL I.ii.32
Boy. MOTE  
(aside) LLL I.ii.33.1
He speakes the meere contrary, crosses loueHe speaks the mere contrary – crosses lovecross (n.)
coin [referring to the cross stamped on some types of coin]
LLL I.ii.33
mere (adj.)

old form: meere
complete, total, absolute, utter
not him.not him. LLL I.ii.34
I haue promis'd to study iij. yeres with theI have promised to study three years with the LLL I.ii.35
Duke.Duke. LLL I.ii.36
Boy. MOTE 
You may doe it in an houre sir.You may do it in an hour, sir. LLL I.ii.37
Impossible.Impossible. LLL I.ii.38
Boy. MOTE 
How many is one thrice told?How many is one thrice told?tell (v.)
count out, number, itemize
LLL I.ii.39
I am ill at reckning, it fits the spirit of aI am ill at reckoning. It fitteth the spirit of aill (adj.)
unskilful, inexpert, unskilled
LLL I.ii.40
reckoning (n.)

old form: reckning
counting up, enumeration, calculation
Tapster.tapster.tapster (n.)
inn waiter, drawer of ale
LLL I.ii.41
Boy. MOTE 
You are a gentleman and a gamester sir.You are a gentleman and a gamester, sir.gamester (n.)
gambler, adventurer
LLL I.ii.42
I confesse both, they are both the varnish of aI confess both. They are both the varnish of avarnish (n.)
finish, polish, gloss
LLL I.ii.43
compleat man.complete man.complete, compleat (adj.)
accomplished, consummate, thorough
LLL I.ii.44
Boy. MOTE 
Then I am sure you know how much the grosse summeThen I am sure you know how much the gross sumgross (adj.)

old form: grosse
whole, total, entire
LLL I.ii.45
of deus-ace amounts to.of deuce-ace amounts to.deuce-ace (n.)

old form: deus-ace
[gambling] two and one
LLL I.ii.46
It doth amount to one more then two.It doth amount to one more than two. LLL I.ii.47
Boy. MOTE 
Which the base vulgar call three.Which the base vulgar do call three.vulgar (n.)
common people, ordinary folk
LLL I.ii.48
base (adj.)
low-born, lowly, plebeian, of lower rank
True. True. LLL I.ii.49
Boy. MOTE 
Why sir is this such a peece of study? Now here'sWhy, sir, is this such a piece of study? Now here is LLL I.ii.50
three studied, ere you'll thrice wink, & how easie it is tothree studied ere ye'll thrice wink; and how easy it is towink (v.)
LLL I.ii.51
put yeres to the word three, and study three yeeres input ‘ years ’ to the word ‘ three,’ and study three years in LLL I.ii.52
two words, the dancing horse will tell you. two words, the dancing horse will tell you. LLL I.ii.53
A most fine Figure.A most fine figure!figure (n.)
figure of speech, device, piece of rhetoric
LLL I.ii.54
Boy. MOTE  
(aside) LLL I.ii.55.1
To proue you a Cypher.To prove you a cipher.cipher (n.)

old form: Cypher
figure nought, nonentity, mere nothing
LLL I.ii.55
I will heereupon confesse I am in loue: and as it isI will hereupon confess I am in love; and as it is LLL I.ii.56
base for a Souldier to loue; so am I in loue with a basebase for a soldier to love, so am I in love with a basebase (adj.)
dishonourable, low, unworthy
LLL I.ii.57
base (adj.)
low-born, lowly, plebeian, of lower rank
wench. If drawing my sword against the humour ofwench. If drawing my sword against the humour ofhumour (n.)
mood, disposition, frame of mind, temperament [as determined by bodily fluids]
LLL I.ii.58
affection, would deliuer mee from the reprobate thoughtaffection would deliver me from the reprobate thoughtaffection (n.)
love, devotion
LLL I.ii.59
of it, I would take Desire prisoner, and ransome him toof it, I would take desire prisoner, and ransom him to LLL I.ii.60
any French Courtier for a new deuis'd curtsie. I thinke any French courtier for a new-devised curtsy. I thinknew-devised (adj.)

old form: new deuis'd
newfangled, freshly invented
LLL I.ii.61
scorn, think

old form: scorne
disdain, despise, consider it beneath one's dignity
courtesy, cur'sy, curtsy (n.)

old form: curtsie
curtsy, bow, gesture of respect
scorne to sigh, me thinkes I should out-sweare Cupid.scorn to sigh: methinks I should outswear Cupid.methinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: me thinkes
it seems / seemed to me
LLL I.ii.62
outswear (v.)

old form: out-sweare
conquer by swearing, swear to do without
Cupid (n.)
[pron: 'kyoopid] Roman god of love, son of Venus and Mercury; a winged, blindfolded boy with curved bow and arrows
Comfort me Boy, What great men haue beene in loue?Comfort me, boy. What great men have been in love? LLL I.ii.63
Boy. MOTE 
Hercules Master.Hercules, master.Hercules (n.)
[Roman form of Heracles] proverbial for his mythical physical strength and miraculous achievements
LLL I.ii.64
Most sweete Hercules: more authority deare Boy,Most sweet Hercules! More authority, dear boy, LLL I.ii.65
name more; and sweet my childe let them be men ofname more; and, sweet my child, let them be men of LLL I.ii.66
good repute and carriage.good repute and carriage.carriage (n.)
bearing, demeanour, manner of behaviour
LLL I.ii.67
Boy. MOTE 
Sampson Master, he was a man of good carriage,Samson, master: he was a man of good carriage –Samson (n.)
in the Bible, a judge, possessor of legendary strength
LLL I.ii.68
great carriage: for hee carried the Towne-gates on hisgreat carriage, for he carried the town-gates on his LLL I.ii.69
backe like a Porter: and he was in loue.back like a porter – and he was in love. LLL I.ii.70
O well-knit Sampson, strong ioynted Sampson; IO well-knit Samson! Strong-jointed Samson! Iwell-knit (adj.)
strongly built, well-constructed
LLL I.ii.71
doe excell thee in my rapier, as much as thou didst mee indo excel thee in my rapier as much as thou didst me inrapier (n.)
light sharp-pointed sword used for thrusting
LLL I.ii.72
carrying gates. I am in loue too. Who was Sampsonscarrying gates. I am in love too. Who was Samson's LLL I.ii.73
loue my deare Moth?love, my dear Mote? LLL I.ii.74
Boy. MOTE 
A Woman, Master.A woman, master. LLL I.ii.75
Of what complexion?Of what complexion?complexion (n.)
natural trait, disposition, temperament, nature
LLL I.ii.76
Boy. MOTE 
Of all the foure, or the three, or the two, or one ofOf all the four, or the three, or the two, or one of LLL I.ii.77
the foure.the four. LLL I.ii.78
Tell me precisely of what complexion?Tell me precisely of what complexion.complexion (n.)
appearance, look, colouring
LLL I.ii.79
Boy. MOTE 
Of the sea-water Greene sir.Of the sea-water green, sir. LLL I.ii.80
Is that one of the foure complexions?Is that one of the four complexions?complexion (n.)
natural trait, disposition, temperament, nature
LLL I.ii.81
Boy. MOTE 
As I haue read sir, and the best of them too.As I have read, sir; and the best of them too. LLL I.ii.82
Greene indeed is the colour of Louers: but to haueGreen indeed is the colour of lovers; but to have LLL I.ii.83
a Loue of that colour, methinkes Sampson had small reasona love of that colour, methinks Samson had small reasonmethinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: methinkes
it seems / seemed to me
LLL I.ii.84
for it. He surely affected her for her wit.for it. He surely affected her for her wit.wit (n.)
intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability
LLL I.ii.85
affect (v.)
love, like, be fond of
Boy. MOTE 
It was so sir, for she had a greene wit.It was so, sir, for she had a green wit. LLL I.ii.86
My Loue is most immaculate white and red.My love is most immaculate white and red. LLL I.ii.87
Boy. MOTE 
Most immaculate thoughts Master, are mask'd vnder Most maculate thoughts, master, are masked undermaculate (adj.)
impure, spotted, stained
LLL I.ii.88
such colours.such colours. LLL I.ii.89
Define, define, well educated infant.Define, define, well-educated infant.define (v.)
explain, elucidate, clarify
LLL I.ii.90
Boy. MOTE 
My fathers witte, and my mothers tongue assist mee.My father's wit and my mother's tongue assist me!wit (n.)

old form: witte
intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability
LLL I.ii.91
Sweet inuocation of a childe, most pretty andSweet invocation of a child – most pretty and LLL I.ii.92
patheticall.pathetical!pathetical (adj.)

old form: patheticall
pathetic, touching, moving
LLL I.ii.93
Boy. MOTE 
If shee be made of white and red,If she be made of white and red, LLL I.ii.94
Her faults will nere be knowne:Her faults will ne'er be known, LLL I.ii.95
For blush-in cheekes by faults are bred,For blushing cheeks by faults are bred, LLL I.ii.96
And feares by pale white showne:And fears by pale white shown. LLL I.ii.97
Then if she feare, or be to blame,Then if she fear or be to blame, LLL I.ii.98
By this you shall not know,By this you shall not know, LLL I.ii.99
For still her cheekes possesse the same,For still her cheeks possess the same LLL I.ii.100
Which natiue she doth owe:Which native she doth owe.native (adv.)

old form: natiue
in a natural way
LLL I.ii.101
owe (v.)
own, possess, have
A dangerous rime master against the reason of whiteA dangerous rhyme, master, against the reason of white LLL I.ii.102
and redde.and red. LLL I.ii.103
Is there not a ballet Boy, of the King and theIs there not a ballad, boy, of the King and the LLL I.ii.104
Begger?Beggar? LLL I.ii.105
Boy. MOTE 
The world was very guilty of such a Ballet someThe world was very guilty of such a ballad some LLL I.ii.106
three ages since, but I thinke now 'tis not to be found:three ages since, but I think now 'tis not to be found; LLL I.ii.107
or if it were, it would neither serue for the writing, noror, if it were, it would neither serve for the writing norserve (v.)

old form: serue
suffice, be enough, do [for]
LLL I.ii.108
the tune.the tune. LLL I.ii.109
I will haue that subiect newly writ ore, that II will have that subject newly writ o'er, that I LLL I.ii.110
may example my digression by some mighty president.may example my digression by some mighty precedent.digression (n.)
transgression, moral deviation, lapse in proper behaviour
LLL I.ii.111
example (v.)
justify, defend, vindicate
Boy, I doe loue that Countrey girle that I tooke in the ParkeBoy, I do love that country girl that I took in the parktake (v.)

old form: tooke
catch out, take by surprise
LLL I.ii.112
with the rationall hinde Costard: she deserues well.with the rational hind Costard. She deserves well.rational (adj.)

old form: rationall
endowed with reason
LLL I.ii.113
hind (n.)

old form: hinde
boor, fellow, rustic, peasant
Boy. MOTE  
(aside) LLL I.ii.114
To bee whip'd: and yet a better loue thenTo be whipped – and yet a better love than LLL I.ii.114
my master. LLL I.ii.115
Sing Boy, my spirit grows heauy in ioue. Sing, boy. My spirit grows heavy in love.heavy (adj.)

old form: heauy
sorrowful, sad, gloomy
LLL I.ii.116
Boy. MOTE  
(aside) LLL I.ii.117
And that's great maruell, louing a lightAnd that's great marvel, loving a light LLL I.ii.117
wench.wench. LLL I.ii.118
I say sing.I say, sing. LLL I.ii.119
Boy. MOTE 
Forbeare till this company be past.Forbear till this company be passed.forbear (v.)

old form: Forbeare
stop, cease, desist
LLL I.ii.120
Enter Clowne, Constable, Enter Dull, Costard, LLL I.ii.121.1
and Wench.and Jaquenetta LLL I.ii.121.2
Const. DULL 
Sir, the Dukes pleasure, is that you keepe Costard Sir, the Duke's pleasure is that you keep Costard LLL I.ii.121
safe, and you must let him take no delight, norsafe; and you must suffer him to take no delight, nor LLL I.ii.122
no penance, but hee must fast three daies a weeke: forno penance, but 'a must fast three days a week. For LLL I.ii.123
this Damsell, I must keepe her at the Parke, shee is alowdthis damsel, I must keep her at the park; she is allowedallowed (adj.)

old form: alowd
licensed, authorized, permitted
LLL I.ii.124
for the Day-woman. Fare you well. Exit.for the dey-woman. Fare you well.dey-woman, day-woman (n.)
LLL I.ii.125
fare ... well (int.)
goodbye [to an individual]
Brag. ARMADO  
(aside) LLL I.ii.126
I do betray my selfe with blushing:I do betray myself with blushing. – LLL I.ii.126
Maide.Maid – LLL I.ii.127
Man.Man. LLL I.ii.128
I wil visit thee at the Lodge.I will visit thee at the lodge. LLL I.ii.129
That's here by.That's hereby. LLL I.ii.130
I know where it is situate.I know where it is situate. LLL I.ii.131
Lord how wise you are!Lord, how wise you are! LLL I.ii.132
I will tell thee wonders.I will tell thee wonders. LLL I.ii.133
With what face?With that face? LLL I.ii.134
I loue thee.I love thee. LLL I.ii.135
So I heard you say.So I heard you say. LLL I.ii.136
And so farewell.And so farewell. LLL I.ii.137
Faire weather after you.Fair weather after you. LLL I.ii.138
Clo. DULL 
Come Iaquenetta, away. Come, Jaquenetta, away! LLL I.ii.139
Exeunt.Exeunt Dull and Jaquenetta LLL I.ii.139
Villaine, thou shalt fast for thy offences ere thouVillain, thou shalt fast for thy offences ere thouvillain (n.)

old form: Villaine
scoundrel, rogue, rascal
LLL I.ii.140
be pardoned. LLL I.ii.141
Well sir, I hope when I doe it, I shall doe it on aWell, sir, I hope when I do it I shall do it on a LLL I.ii.142
full stomacke.full stomach. LLL I.ii.143
Thou shalt be heauily punished.Thou shalt be heavily punished. LLL I.ii.144
I am more bound to you then your fellowes, forI am more bound to you than your fellows, forfellow (n.)

old form: fellowes
servant, attendant, hireling
LLL I.ii.145
they are but lightly rewarded.they are but lightly rewarded. LLL I.ii.146
Take away this villaine, shut him vp.Take away this villain. Shut him up. LLL I.ii.147
Boy. MOTE 
Come you transgressing slaue, away.Come, you transgressing slave, away! LLL I.ii.148
Let mee not bee pent vp sir, I will fast beingLet me not be pent up, sir. I will fast, being LLL I.ii.149
loose.loose. LLL I.ii.150
Boy. MOTE 
No sir, that were fast and loose: thou shalt toNo, sir, that were fast and loose. Thou shalt tofast and loose
type of cheating game [in which people bet on whether the end of a coiled rope is fastened or not]; not playing fairly
LLL I.ii.151
prison.prison. LLL I.ii.152
Well, if euer I do see the merry dayes of desolationWell, if ever I do see the merry days of desolation LLL I.ii.153
that I haue seene, some shall see.that I have seen, some shall see – LLL I.ii.154
Boy. MOTE 
What shall some see?What shall some see? LLL I.ii.155
Nay nothing, Master Moth, but what they lookeNay, nothing, Master Mote, but what they look LLL I.ii.156
vpon. It is not for prisoners to be silent in theirupon. It is not for prisoners to be too silent in their LLL I.ii.157
words, and therefore I will say nothing: I thanke God, I hauewords, and therefore I say nothing. I thank God I have LLL I.ii.158
as little patience as another man, and therefore I canas little patience as another man, and therefore I can LLL I.ii.159
be quiet. be quiet. LLL I.ii.160
Exit.Exeunt Mote and Costard LLL I.ii.160
I doe affect the very ground (which is base)I do affect the very ground, which is base,affect (v.)
love, like, be fond of
LLL I.ii.161
base (adj.)
poor, wretched, of low quality
base (adj.)
low-lying, lowland
where her shooe (which is baser) guided by her footewhere her shoe, which is baser, guided by her foot, LLL I.ii.162
(which is basest) doth tread. I shall be forsworn (whichwhich is basest, doth tread. I shall be forsworn, whichforswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore
swear falsely, perjure [oneself], break one's word
LLL I.ii.163
ia a great argument of falshood) if I loue. And howis a great argument of falsehood, if I love. And howargument (n.)
proof, evidence, demonstration
LLL I.ii.164
can that be true loue, which is falsly attempted? Louecan that be true love which is falsely attempted? Love LLL I.ii.165
is a familiar, Loue is a Diuell. There is no euill Angell butis a familiar; Love is a devil; there is no evil angel butfamiliar (n.)
attendant spirit, personal demon
LLL I.ii.166
Loue, yet Sampson was so tempted, and he had anLove. Yet was Samson so tempted, and he had anSamson (n.)
in the Bible, a judge, possessor of legendary strength
LLL I.ii.167
excellent strength: Yet was Salomon so seduced, and heeexcellent strength; yet was Solomon so seduced, and he LLL I.ii.168
had a very good witte. Cupids Butshaft is too hard for had a very good wit. Cupid's butt-shaft is too hard forCupid (n.)
[pron: 'kyoopid] Roman god of love, son of Venus and Mercury; a winged, blindfolded boy with curved bow and arrows
LLL I.ii.169
wit (n.)

old form: witte
intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability
butt-shaft (n.)

old form: Butshaft
blunt-headed arrow
Hercules Clubbe, and therefore too much ods for aHercules' club, and therefore too much odds for a LLL I.ii.170
Spaniards Rapier: The first and second cause will notSpaniard's rapier. The first and second cause will notcause (n.)
[duelling] one of the situations or grounds set out in the code of honour which justifies a duel
LLL I.ii.171
serue my turne: the Passado hee respects not, the Duello serve my turn; the passado he respects not, the duellopassado (n.)
[fencing] forward thrust, lunge
LLL I.ii.172
respect (v.)
pay attention to, heed
duello (n.)
established duelling code
he regards not; his disgrace is to be called Boy, but hishe regards not. His disgrace is to be called boy, but his LLL I.ii.173
glorie is to subdue men. Adue Valour, rust Rapier, beeglory is to subdue men. Adieu, valour; rust, rapier; be LLL I.ii.174
still Drum, for your manager is in loue; yea hee loueth.still, drum; for your manager is in love; yea, he loveth.manager (n.)
employer, user, handler
LLL I.ii.175
still (adj.)
silent, quiet
Assist me some extemporall god of Rime, for I am Assist me, some extemporal god of rhyme, for I amextemporal (adj.)

old form: extemporall
extempore, unplanned, improvised
LLL I.ii.176
sure I shall turne Sonnet. Deuise Wit, write Pen, for Isure I shall turn sonnet. Devise, wit; write, pen; for Isonnet (n.)
LLL I.ii.177
wit (n.)
intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability
devise (v.)

old form: Deuise
invent, imagine, make up [an account]
am for whole volumes in folio. am for whole volumes in folio. LLL I.ii.178
Exit.Exit LLL I.ii.178
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