All's Well That Ends Well

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Flourish Cornets. Enter the King of France with Flourish of cornets. Enter the King of France with AW I.ii.1.1
Letters, and diuers Attendants.letters, and divers attendantsdivers (adj.)

old form: diuers
different, various, several
AW I.ii.1.2
King KING 
The Florentines and Senoys are by th'eares,The Florentines and Senoys are by th' ears,ears, by the

old form: eares
at odds, fighting like beasts
AW I.ii.1
Florentine (n.)
someone from Florence, Italy
Senoy (n.)
[pron: 'senoy] Sienese; from Siena, Italy
Haue fought with equall fortune, and continueHave fought with equal fortune, and continue AW I.ii.2
A brauing warre.A braving war.braving (adj.)

old form: brauing
defiant, daring, boasting
AW I.ii.3.1
So tis reported sir.So 'tis reported, sir. AW I.ii.3.2
King KING 
Nay tis most credible, we heere receiue it,Nay, 'tis most credible. We here receive it AW I.ii.4
A certaintie vouch'd from our Cosin AustriaA certainty, vouched from our cousin Austria, AW I.ii.5
With caution, that the Florentine will moue vsWith caution that the Florentine will move usmove (v.)

old form: moue
appeal to, urge, exhort
AW I.ii.6
For speedie ayde: wherein our deerest friendFor speedy aid; wherein our dearest friend AW I.ii.7
Preiudicates the businesse, and would seemePrejudicates the business, and would seemprejudicate (v.)

old form: Preiudicates
prejudge, give an influential opinion about
AW I.ii.8
To haue vs make deniall.To have us make denial. AW I.ii.9.1
His loue and wisedomeHis love and wisdom, AW I.ii.9.2
Approu'd so to your Maiesty, may pleadeApproved so to your majesty, may pleadapprove (v.)

old form: Approu'd
prove, confirm, corroborate, substantiate
AW I.ii.10
For amplest credence.For amplest credence. AW I.ii.11.1
He hath arm'd our answer,He hath armed our answer,arm (v.)

old form: arm'd
prepare for action, put armour on
AW I.ii.11.2
And Florence is deni'de before he comes:And Florence is denied before he comes; AW I.ii.12
Yet for our Gentlemen that meane to seeYet, for our gentlemen that mean to see AW I.ii.13
The Tuscan seruice, freely haue they leaueThe Tuscan service, freely have they leave AW I.ii.14
To stand on either part.To stand on either part.part (n.)
side, camp, party
AW I.ii.15.1
stand (v.)
make a stand [against], fight, resist
It well may serueIt well may serve AW I.ii.15.2
A nursserie to our Gentrie, who are sickeA nursery to our gentry, who are sicknursery (n.)

old form: nursserie
training ground, prep school
AW I.ii.16
sick (adj.)

old form: sicke
longing, pining, avid
For breathing, and exploit.For breathing and exploit.exploit (n.)
military action, martial undertaking
AW I.ii.17.1
breathing (n.)
exercise, exertion, active employment
King. KING 
What's he comes heere.What's he comes here? AW I.ii.17.2
Enter Bertram, Lafew, and Parolles.Enter Bertram, Lafew, and Parolles AW I.ii.18
It is the Count Rosignoll my good Lord,It is the Count Rossillion, my good lord, AW I.ii.18
Yong Bertram.Young Bertram. AW I.ii.19.1
King. KING 
Youth, thou bear'st thy Fathers face,Youth, thou bearest thy father's face; AW I.ii.19.2
Franke Nature rather curious then in hastFrank nature, rather curious than in haste,frank (adj.)

old form: Franke
generous, liberal, bounteous
AW I.ii.20
curious (adj.)
careful, fastidious, attentive
Hath well compos'd thee: Thy Fathers morall partsHath well composed thee. Thy father's moral partscompose (v.)

old form: compos'd
make up, produce, fashion
AW I.ii.21
Maist thou inherit too: Welcome to Paris.Mayst thou inherit too! Welcome to Paris. AW I.ii.22
My thankes and dutie are your Maiesties.My thanks and duty are your majesty's. AW I.ii.23
I would I had that corporall soundnesse now,I would I had that corporal soundness now,corporal (adj.)

old form: corporall
bodily, physical
AW I.ii.24
As when thy father, and my selfe, in friendshipAs when thy father and myself in friendship AW I.ii.25
First tride our souldiership: he did looke farreFirst tried our soldiership. He did look far AW I.ii.26
Into the seruice of the time, and wasInto the service of the time, and wasservice (n.)

old form: seruice
military service, affairs of war
AW I.ii.27
Discipled of the brauest. He lasted long,Discipled of the bravest. He lasted long,disciple (v.)
teach, instruct, train
AW I.ii.28
brave (adj.)

old form: brauest
noble, worthy, excellent
But on vs both did haggish Age steale on,But on us both did haggish age steal on,haggish (adj.)
like a hag, ugly, repulsive
AW I.ii.29
And wore vs out of act: It much repaires meAnd wore us out of act. It much repairs merepair (v.)

old form: repaires
restore, renew, revive
AW I.ii.30
act (n.)
activity, action, performance
To talke of your good father; in his youthTo talk of your good father. In his youth AW I.ii.31
He had the wit, which I can well obserueHe had the wit which I can well observewit (n.)
mental sharpness, acumen, quickness, ingenuity
AW I.ii.32
To day in our yong Lords: but they may iestToday in our young lords, but they may jest AW I.ii.33
Till their owne scorne returne to them vnnotedTill their own scorn return to them unnoted AW I.ii.34
Ere they can hide their leuitie in honour:Ere they can hide their levity in honour. AW I.ii.35
So like a Courtier, contempt nor bitternesseSo like a courtier, contempt nor bitterness AW I.ii.36
Were in his pride, or sharpnesse; if they were,Were in his pride or sharpness; if they were, AW I.ii.37
His equall had awak'd them, and his honourHis equal had awaked them, and his honour, AW I.ii.38
Clocke to it selfe, knew the true minute whenClock to itself, knew the true minute when AW I.ii.39
Exception bid him speake: and at this timeException bid him speak, and at this timeexception (n.)
resentment, sense of grievance
AW I.ii.40
His tongue obey'd his hand. Who were below him,His tongue obeyed his hand. Who were below himtongue (n.)
speech, expression, language, words, voice
AW I.ii.41
He vs'd as creatures of another place,He used as creatures of another place,place (n.)
position, post, office, rank
AW I.ii.42
use (v.)

old form: vs'd
treat, deal with, manage
And bow'd his eminent top to their low rankes,And bowed his eminent top to their low ranks,top (n.)
AW I.ii.43
Making them proud of his humilitie,Making them proud of his humility, AW I.ii.44
In their poore praise he humbled: Such a manIn their poor praise he humbled. Such a man AW I.ii.45
Might be a copie to these yonger times;Might be a copy to these younger times;copy (n.)

old form: copie
example, model, pattern
AW I.ii.46
Which followed well, would demonstrate them nowWhich, followed well, would demonstrate them now AW I.ii.47
But goers backward.But goers backward. AW I.ii.48.1
His good remembrance sirHis good remembrance, sir,remembrance (n.)
memory, bringing to mind, recollection
AW I.ii.48.2
Lies richer in your thoughts, then on his tombe:Lies richer in your thoughts than on his tomb; AW I.ii.49
So in approofe liues not his Epitaph,So in approof lives not his epitaphapproof (n.)

old form: approofe
proof, affirmation, attestation
AW I.ii.50
As in your royall speech.As in your royal speech. AW I.ii.51
Would I were with him he would alwaies say,Would I were with him! He would always say –  AW I.ii.52
(Me thinkes I heare him now) his plausiue wordsMethinks I hear him now; his plausive wordsmethinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: Me thinkes
it seems / seemed to me
AW I.ii.53
plausive (adj.)

old form: plausiue
pleasing, praiseworthy, laudable
He scatter'd not in eares, but grafted themHe scattered not in ears, but grafted themgraft (v.)
insert, implant, make grow
AW I.ii.54
To grow there and to beare: Let me not liue,To grow there and to bear – ‘Let me not live', AW I.ii.55
This his good melancholly oft beganThis his good melancholy oft beganoft (adv.)
AW I.ii.56
On the Catastrophe and heele of pastimeOn the catastrophe and heel of pastime,pastime (n.)
pleasure, delight, enjoyment
AW I.ii.57
heel (n.)

old form: heele
end, completion, termination
catastrophe (n.)
conclusion, endpoint, expiration
When it was out: Let me not liue (quoth hee)When it was out, ‘ Let me not live,’ quoth he,out (adv.)
at an end, finished
AW I.ii.58
quoth (v.)
After my flame lackes oyle, to be the snuffe‘ After my flame lacks oil, to be the snuffsnuff (n.)

old form: snuffe
smouldering candle-end, burnt-out wick
AW I.ii.59
Of yonger spirits, whose apprehensiue sensesOf younger spirits, whose apprehensive sensessense (n.)
senses, sensation, organs of sense
AW I.ii.60
apprehensive (adj.)

old form: apprehensiue
quick-learning, perceptive, ever alert
All but new things disdaine; whose iudgements areAll but new things disdain; whose judgements arejudgement (n.)

old form: iudgements
opinion, estimation, assessment
AW I.ii.61
Meere fathers of their garments: whose constanciesMere fathers of their garments; whose constanciesmere (adv.)

old form: Meere
totally, absolutely
AW I.ii.62
Expire before their fashions: this he wish'd.Expire before their fashions.’ This he wished. AW I.ii.63
I after him, do after him wish too:I, after him, do after him wish too, AW I.ii.64
Since I nor wax nor honie can bring home,Since I nor wax nor honey can bring home, AW I.ii.65
I quickly were dissolued from my hiueI quickly were dissolved from my hivedissolve (v.)

old form: dissolued
loosen, release, set free
AW I.ii.66
To giue some Labourers roome.To give some labourers room. AW I.ii.67.1
You'r loued Sir,You're loved, sir; AW I.ii.67.2
They that least lend it you, shall lacke you first.They that least lend it you shall lack you first. AW I.ii.68
Kin. KING 
I fill a place I know't: how long ist CountI fill a place, I know't. How long is't, Count,place (n.)
position, post, office, rank
AW I.ii.69
Since the Physitian at your fathers died?Since the physician at your father's died? AW I.ii.70
He was much fam'd.He was much famed. AW I.ii.71.1
Some six moneths since my Lord.Some six months since, my lord.since (adv.)
AW I.ii.71.2
Kin. KING 
If he were liuing, I would try him yet.If he were living I would try him yet.try (v.)
put to the test, test the goodness [of]
AW I.ii.72
Lend me an arme: the rest haue worne me outLend me an arm. – The rest have worn me out AW I.ii.73
With seuerall applications: Nature and sicknesseWith several applications; nature and sicknessseveral (adj.)

old form: seuerall
various, sundry, respective, individual
AW I.ii.74
application (n.)
treatment, remedy, healing method
Debate it at their leisure. Welcome Count,Debate it at their leisure. Welcome, Count,debate (v.)
discuss, argue over, dispute about
AW I.ii.75
My sonne's no deerer.My son's no dearer. AW I.ii.76.1
Thanke your Maiesty. Thank your majesty. AW I.ii.76.2
Exit Flourish.Exeunt. Flourish AW I.ii.76
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