Julius Caesar

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Thunder, and Lightning. Thunder and lightning JC I.iii.1.1
Enter Caska, and Cicero.Enter Casca and Cicero, meeting JC I.iii.1.2
Good euen, Caska: brought you Casar home?Good even, Casca: brought you Caesar home? JC I.iii.1
Why are you breathlesse, and why stare you so?Why are you breathless? and why stare you so? JC I.iii.2
Cask. CASCA  
Are not you mou'd, when all the sway of EarthAre not you moved, when all the sway of earthsway (n.)
power, dominion, rule
JC I.iii.3
Shakes, like a thing vnfirme? O Cicero,Shakes like a thing unfirm? O Cicero,unfirm (adj.)

old form: vnfirme
weak, feeble, lacking in strength
JC I.iii.4
I haue seene Tempests, when the scolding WindsI have seen tempests, when the scolding windsscolding (adj.)
clamouring, brawling, chiding
JC I.iii.5
Haue riu'd the knottie Oakes, and I haue seeneHave rived the knotty oaks, and I have seenrive (v.)

old form: riu'd
split, rend, cleave
JC I.iii.6
Th'ambitious Ocean swell, and rage, and foame,Th' ambitious ocean swell and rage and foam, JC I.iii.7
To be exalted with the threatning Clouds:To be exalted with the threatening clouds;exalt (v.)
lift up, upraise
JC I.iii.8
But neuer till to Night, neuer till now,But never till tonight, never till now, JC I.iii.9
Did I goe through a Tempest-dropping-fire.Did I go through a tempest dropping fire. JC I.iii.10
Eyther there is a Ciuill strife in Heauen,Either there is a civil strife in heaven, JC I.iii.11
Or else the World, too sawcie with the Gods,Or else the world, too saucy with the gods,saucy (adj.)

old form: sawcie
insolent, impudent, presumptuous, defiant
JC I.iii.12
Incenses them to send destruction.Incenses them to send destruction. JC I.iii.13
Why, saw you any thing more wonderfull?Why, saw you anything more wonderful?wonderful (adj.)

old form: wonderfull
amazing, astonishing, extraordinary
JC I.iii.14
Cask. CASCA  
A common slaue, you know him well by sight,A common slave – you know him well by sight –  JC I.iii.15
Held vp his left Hand, which did flame and burneHeld up his left hand, which did flame and burn JC I.iii.16
Like twentie Torches ioyn'd; and yet his Hand,Like twenty torches joined; and yet his hand, JC I.iii.17
Not sensible of fire, remain'd vnscorch'd.Not sensible of fire, remained unscorched.sensible (adj.)
sensitive, responsive, capable of feeling
JC I.iii.18
Besides, I ha'not since put vp my Sword,Besides – I ha'not since put up my sword –  JC I.iii.19
Against the Capitoll I met a Lyon,Against the Capitol I met a lion,Capitol (n.)
geographical and ceremonial centre of ancient Rome, the seat of government
JC I.iii.20
against, 'gainst (prep.)
in front of, close to
Who glaz'd vpon me, and went surly by,Who glazed upon me, and went surly by,surly (adj.)
imperious, haughty, arrogant
JC I.iii.21
glaze (v.)

old form: glaz'd
stare, glare, gaze
Without annoying me. And there were drawneWithout annoying me. And there were drawndraw (v.)

old form: drawne
bring together, draw in, gather
JC I.iii.22
annoy (v.)
harm, molest, hurt, injure
Vpon a heape, a hundred gastly Women,Upon a heap a hundred ghastly women,heap (n.)

old form: heape
company, host, multitude
JC I.iii.23
ghastly (adj.)

old form: gastly
full of fear, frightened
Transformed with their feare, who swore, they sawTransformed with their fear, who swore they saw JC I.iii.24
Men, all in fire, walke vp and downe the streetes.Men, all in fire, walk up and down the streets. JC I.iii.25
And yesterday, the Bird of Night did sit,And yesterday the bird of night did sit, JC I.iii.26
Euen at Noone-day, vpon the Market place,Even at noon-day, upon the market-place, JC I.iii.27
Howting, and shreeking. When these ProdigiesHooting and shrieking. When these prodigiesprodigy (n.)
omen, portent, sign
JC I.iii.28
Doe so conioyntly meet, let not men say,Do so conjointly meet, let not men say,conjointly (adv.)

old form: conioyntly
together, in unison, in conjunction
JC I.iii.29
These are their Reasons, they are Naturall:‘These are their reasons, they are natural'; JC I.iii.30
For I beleeue, they are portentous thingsFor I believe, they are portentous thingsportentous (adj.)
ominous, threatening, full of foreboding
JC I.iii.31
Vnto the Clymate, that they point vpon.Unto the climate that they point upon.climate (n.)

old form: Clymate
region, country [without reference to climatic conditions]
JC I.iii.32
Indeed, it is a strange disposed time:Indeed, it is a strange-disposed time:strange-disposed (adj.)given over to unusual happeningsJC I.iii.33
But men may construe things after their fashion,But men may construe things after their fashion,fashion (n.)
manner, way, mode, appearance
JC I.iii.34
construe (v.)
interpret, take, understand
Cleane from the purpose of the things themselues.Clean from the purpose of the things themselves.purpose (n.)
intention, aim, plan
JC I.iii.35
clean (adv.)

old form: Cleane
totally, absolutely, utterly
Comes Casar to the Capitoll to morrow?Comes Caesar to the Capitol tomorrow? JC I.iii.36
Cask. CASCA  
He doth: for he did bid AntonioHe doth; for he did bid Antonius JC I.iii.37
Send word to you, he would be there to morrow.Send word to you he would be there tomorrow. JC I.iii.38
Good-night then, Caska: This disturbed SkieGood night then, Casca: this disturbed sky JC I.iii.39
is not to walke in.Is not to walk in. JC I.iii.40.1
Cask. CASCA  
Farewell Cicero. Farewell, Cicero. JC I.iii.40.2
Exit Cicero. Exit Cicero JC I.iii.40
Enter Cassius.Enter Cassius JC I.iii.41
Cassi. CASSIUS  
Who's there?Who's there? JC I.iii.41.1
Cask. CASCA  
A Romane.A Roman. JC I.iii.41.2
Cassi. CASSIUS  
Caska, by your Voyce.Casca, by your voice. JC I.iii.41.3
Cask. CASCA  
Your Eare is good. / Cassius, what Night is this?Your ear is good. Cassius, what night is this! JC I.iii.42
Cassi. CASSIUS  
A very pleasing Night to honest men.A very pleasing night to honest men. JC I.iii.43
Cask. CASCA  
Who euer knew the Heauens menace so?Who ever knew the heavens menace so? JC I.iii.44
Cassi. CASSIUS  
Those that haue knowne the Earth so full of faults.Those that have known the earth so full of faults.fault (n.)
failing, weakness
JC I.iii.45
For my part, I haue walk'd about the streets,For my part, I have walked about the streets, JC I.iii.46
Submitting me vnto the perillous Night;Submitting me unto the perilous night, JC I.iii.47
And thus vnbraced, Caska, as you see,And, thus unbraced, Casca, as you see,unbraced (adj.)

old form: vnbraced
unfastened, not laced up, loose
JC I.iii.48
Haue bar'd my Bosome to the Thunder-stone:Have bared my bosom to the thunder-stone;thunder-stone (n.)
JC I.iii.49
And when the crosse blew Lightning seem'd to openAnd when the cross blue lightning seemed to opencross (adj.)

old form: crosse
forked, zigzag
JC I.iii.50
The Brest of Heauen, I did present my selfeThe breast of heaven, I did present myself JC I.iii.51
Euen in the ayme, and very flash of it.Even in the aim and very flash of it. JC I.iii.52
Cask. CASCA  
But wherefore did you so much tempt the Heauens?But wherefore did you so much tempt the heavens?tempt (v.)
try, test, make trial of
JC I.iii.53
It is the part of men, to feare and tremble,It is the part of men to fear and tremblepart (n.)
action, conduct, behaviour
JC I.iii.54
When the most mightie Gods, by tokens sendWhen the most mighty gods by tokens sendtoken (n.)
omen, portent, prodigy
JC I.iii.55
Such dreadfull Heraulds, to astonish vs.Such dreadful heralds to astonish us.astonish, 'stonish (v.)
fill with wonder, amaze, astound
JC I.iii.56
Cassi. CASSIUS  
You are dull, Caska: / And those sparkes of Life, You are dull, Casca, and those sparks of lifedull (adj.)
obtuse, stupid
JC I.iii.57
that should be in a Roman, / You doe want, That should be in a Roman you do want,want (v.)
lack, need, be without
JC I.iii.58
or else you vse not. / You looke pale, and gaze, Or else you use not. You look pale, and gaze, JC I.iii.59
and put on feare, / And cast your selfe in wonder,And put on fear, and cast yourself in wonder,wonder (n.)
feeling of wonder, astonishment, marvelling
JC I.iii.60
put on (v.)
show, manifest, exhibit
To see the strange impatience of the Heauens:To see the strange impatience of the heavens; JC I.iii.61
But if you would consider the true cause,But if you would consider the true cause JC I.iii.62
Why all these Fires, why all these gliding Ghosts,Why all these fires, why all these gliding ghosts, JC I.iii.63
Why Birds and Beasts, from qualitie and kinde,Why birds and beasts from quality and kind,quality (n.)

old form: qualitie
nature, disposition, character
JC I.iii.64
kind (n.)

old form: kinde
nature, reality, character, disposition
Why Old men, Fooles, and Children calculate,Why old men, fools, and children calculate,fool (n.)

old form: Fooles
simpleton, born idiot, insane person
JC I.iii.65
calculate (v.)
perform calculations, make estimates
Why all these things change from their Ordinance,Why all these things change from their ordinance,ordinance (n.)
appointed place in nature
JC I.iii.66
Their Natures, and pre-formed Faculties,Their natures, and pre-formed faculties,pre-formed (adj.)
previously formed, naturally endowed, innate
JC I.iii.67
faculty (n.)
function, power, capability
To monstrous qualitie; why you shall finde,To monstrous quality, why, you shall findmonstrous (adj.)
unnatural, outlandish, aberrant
JC I.iii.68
quality (n.)

old form: qualitie
nature, disposition, character
That Heauen hath infus'd them with these Spirits,That heaven hath infused them with these spirits JC I.iii.69
To make them Instruments of feare, and warning,To make them instruments of fear and warning JC I.iii.70
Vnto some monstrous State.Unto some monstrous state.state (n.)
condition, circumstances, situation, state of affairs
JC I.iii.71
Now could I (Caska) name to thee a man,Now could I, Casca, name to thee a man JC I.iii.72
Most like this dreadfull Night,Most like this dreadful night, JC I.iii.73
That Thunders, Lightens, opens Graues, and roares,That thunders, lightens, opens graves, and roars JC I.iii.74
As doth the Lyon in the Capitoll:As doth the lion in the Capitol; JC I.iii.75
A man no mightier then thy selfe, or me,A man no mightier than thyself, or me, JC I.iii.76
In personall action; yet prodigious growne,In personal action, yet prodigious grown,prodigious (adj.)
ominous, portentous, promising evil
JC I.iii.77
And fearefull, as these strange eruptions are.And fearful, as these strange eruptions are.eruption (n.)
disturbance, outbreak of calamity, turbulence
JC I.iii.78
fearful (adj.)

old form: fearefull
causing fear, awe-inspiring, terrifying, alarming
Cask. CASCA  
'Tis Casar that you meane: / Is it not, Cassius?'Tis Caesar that you mean; is it not, Cassius? JC I.iii.79
Cassi. CASSIUS  
Let it be who it is: for Romans nowLet it be who it is: for Romans now JC I.iii.80
Haue Thewes, and Limbes, like to their Ancestors;Have thews and limbs like to their ancestors;thews (n.)

old form: Thewes
muscles, sinews, bodily strength
JC I.iii.81
like to / unto (conj./prep.)
similar to, comparable with
But woe the while, our Fathers mindes are dead,But woe the while! our fathers' minds are dead,while (n.)
times, age
JC I.iii.82
And we are gouern'd with our Mothers spirits,And we are governed with our mothers' spirits: JC I.iii.83
Our yoake, and sufferance, shew vs Womanish.Our yoke and sufferance show us womanish.sufferance (n.)
endurance, forbearance, patience
JC I.iii.84
yoke (n.)

old form: yoake
servitude, state of subjection
Cask. CASCA  
Indeed, they say, the Senators to morrowIndeed, they say the senators tomorrow JC I.iii.85
Meane to establish Casar as a King:Mean to establish Caesar as a king; JC I.iii.86
And he shall weare his Crowne by Sea, and Land,And he shall wear his crown by sea and land, JC I.iii.87
In euery place, saue here in Italy.In every place save here in Italy. JC I.iii.88
Cassi. CASSIUS  
I know where I will weare this Dagger then;I know where I will wear this dagger then: JC I.iii.89
Cassius from Bondage will deliuer Cassius:Cassius from bondage will deliver Cassius. JC I.iii.90
Therein, yee Gods, you make the weake most strong;Therein, ye gods, you make the weak most strong; JC I.iii.91
Therein, yee Gods, you Tyrants doe defeat.Therein, ye gods, you tyrants do defeat. JC I.iii.92
Nor Stonie Tower, nor Walls of beaten Brasse,Nor stony tower, nor walls of beaten brass, JC I.iii.93
Nor ayre-lesse Dungeon, nor strong Linkes of Iron,Nor airless dungeon, nor strong links of iron, JC I.iii.94
Can be retentiue to the strength of spirit:Can be retentive to the strength of spirit;retentive (adj.)

old form: retentiue
confining, constraining, imprisoning
JC I.iii.95
But Life being wearie of these worldly Barres,But life, being weary of these worldly bars,bar (n.)

old form: Barres
obstruction, barrier, obstacle
JC I.iii.96
Neuer lacks power to dismisse it selfe.Never lacks power to dismiss itself. JC I.iii.97
If I know this, know all the World besides,If I know this, know all the world besides, JC I.iii.98
That part of Tyrannie that I doe beare,That part of tyranny that I do bear JC I.iii.99
I can shake off at pleasure. I can shake off at pleasure. JC I.iii.100.1
Thunder still. Thunder stillstill (adv.)
ever, now [as before]
JC I.iii.100
Cask. CASCA 
So can I:So can I; JC I.iii.100.2
So euery Bond-man in his owne hand bearesSo every bondman in his own hand bearsbondman (n.)

old form: Bond-man
bondsman, serf, slave
JC I.iii.101
The power to cancell his Captiuitie.The power to cancel his captivity.cancel (v.)

old form: cancell
end, terminate
JC I.iii.102
Cassi. CASSIUS  
And why should Casar be a Tyrant then?And why should Caesar be a tyrant then? JC I.iii.103
Poore man, I know he would not be a Wolfe,Poor man! I know he would not be a wolf, JC I.iii.104
But that he sees the Romans are but Sheepe:But that he sees the Romans are but sheep. JC I.iii.105
He were no Lyon, were not Romans Hindes.He were no lion, were not Romans hinds.hind (n.)

old form: Hindes
female deer
JC I.iii.106
Those that with haste will make a mightie fire,Those that with haste will make a mighty fire JC I.iii.107
Begin it with weake Strawes. What trash is Rome?Begin it with weak straws. What trash is Rome,trash (n.)
rubbish, stuff, paraphernalia
JC I.iii.108
What Rubbish, and what Offall? when it seruesWhat rubbish, and what offal, when it servesoffal (n.)

old form: Offall
dross, waste, refuse
JC I.iii.109
rubbish (n.)
litter, debris, waste matter
For the base matter, to illuminateFor the base matter to illuminatebase (adj.)
poor, wretched, of low quality
JC I.iii.110
So vile a thing as Casar. But oh Griefe,So vile a thing as Caesar! But, O grief,vile, vild (adj.)
despicable, disgusting, abhorrent
JC I.iii.111
Where hast thou led me? I (perhaps) speake thisWhere hast thou led me? I perhaps speak this JC I.iii.112
Before a willing Bond-man: then I knowBefore a willing bondman; then I knowbondman (n.)

old form: Bond-man
bondsman, serf, slave
JC I.iii.113
My answere must be made. But I am arm'd,My answer must be made. But I am armed,answer (n.)

old form: answere
accountability, responsibility, liability, penalty
JC I.iii.114
And dangers are to me indifferent.And dangers are to me indifferent. JC I.iii.115
Cask. CASCA  
You speake to Caska, and to such a man,You speak to Casca, and to such a man JC I.iii.116
That is no flearing Tell-tale. Hold, my Hand:That is no fleering tell-tale. Hold, my hand;fleering (adj.)

old form: flearing
sneering, jeering, scornfully laughing
JC I.iii.117
Be factious for redresse of all these Griefes,Be factious for redress of all these griefs,grief (n.)

old form: Griefes
grievance, complaint, hurt, injury
JC I.iii.118
factious (adj.)
ready to form a faction
And I will set this foot of mine as farre,And I will set this foot of mine as far JC I.iii.119
As who goes farthest.As who goes farthest. JC I.iii.120.1
Cassi. CASSIUS  
There's a Bargaine made.There's a bargain made. JC I.iii.120.2
Now know you, Caska, I haue mou'd alreadyNow know you, Casca, I have moved already JC I.iii.121
Some certaine of the Noblest minded RomansSome certain of the noblest-minded Romans JC I.iii.122
To vnder-goe, with me, an Enterprize,To undergo with me an enterpriseundergo (v.)

old form: vnder-goe
undertake, carry out, perform
JC I.iii.123
Of Honorable dangerous consequence;Of honourable-dangerous consequence; JC I.iii.124
And I doe know by this, they stay for meAnd I do know, by this they stay for mestay for (v.)
wait for, await
JC I.iii.125
this, by
by this time
In Pompeyes Porch: for now this fearefull Night,In Pompey's Porch: for now, this fearful night,fearful (adj.)

old form: fearefull
causing fear, awe-inspiring, terrifying, alarming
JC I.iii.126
Pompey the Great (n.)
Roman politician and general, 1st-c BC
There is no stirre, or walking in the streetes;There is no stir or walking in the streets;stir (n.)

old form: stirre
acting, stirring, activity
JC I.iii.127
And the Complexion of the ElementAnd the complexion of the elementelement (n.)
air, sky, heavens
JC I.iii.128
complexion (n.)
appearance, look, colouring
Is Fauors, like the Worke we haue in hand,In favour's like the work we have in hand,favour (n.)

old form: Fauors
appearance, look, aspect
JC I.iii.129
Most bloodie, fierie, and most terrible.Most bloody, fiery, and most terrible. JC I.iii.130
Enter Cinna.Enter Cinna JC I.i.131
Caska. CASCA  
Stand close a while, for heere comes one in haste.Stand close awhile, for here comes one in haste.close (adj.)
secret, concealed, hidden
JC I.iii.131
Cassi. CASSIUS  
'Tis Cinna, I doe know him by his Gate,'Tis Cinna; I do know him by his gait;gait (n.)

old form: Gate
manner of walking, bearing, movement
JC I.iii.132
He is a friend. Cinna, where haste you so?He is a friend. Cinna, where haste you so? JC I.iii.133
Cinna. CINNA  
To finde out you: Who's that, Metellus Cymber?To find out you. Who's that? Metellus Cimber?find out (v.)

old form: finde
discover, find, come upon
JC I.iii.134
Cassi. CASSIUS  
No, it is Caska, one incorporateNo, it is Casca, one incorporateincorporate (adj.)
united in one body, combined in one entity
JC I.iii.135
To our Attempts. Am I not stay'd for, Cinna?To our attempts. Am I not stayed for, Cinna?stay for (v.)

old form: stay'd
wait for, await
JC I.iii.136
attempt (n.)
exploit, undertaking, enterprise
Cinna. CINNA  
I am glad on't. / What a fearefull Night is this?I am glad on't. What a fearful night is this! JC I.iii.137
There's two or three of vs haue seene strange sights.There's two or three of us have seen strange sights. JC I.iii.138
Cassi. CASSIUS  
Am I not stay'd for? tell me.Am I not stayed for? Tell me. JC I.iii.139.1
Cinna. CINNA  
Yes, you are. Yes, you are. JC I.iii.139.2
O Cassius, / If you could O Cassius, if you could JC I.iii.140
but winne the Noble Brutus / To our party---But win the noble Brutus to our party –  JC I.iii.141
Cassi. CASSIUS  
Be you content. Good Cinna, take this Paper,Be you content. Good Cinna, take this paper,content (adj.)
satisfied, calm, easy in mind
JC I.iii.142
And looke you lay it in the Pretors Chayre,And look you lay it in the praetor's chair,praetor (n.)
annually elected chief magistrate
JC I.iii.143
Where Brutus may but finde it: and throw thisWhere Brutus may but find it; and throw this JC I.iii.144
In at his Window; set this vp with WaxeIn at his window; set this up with wax JC I.iii.145
Vpon old Brutus Statue: all this done,Upon old Brutus' statue. All this done, JC I.iii.146
Repaire to Pompeyes Porch, where you shall finde vs.Repair to Pompey's Porch, where you shall find us.repair (v.)

old form: repayre
come, go, make one's way
JC I.iii.147
Is Decius Brutus and Trebonius there?Is Decius Brutus and Trebonius there? JC I.iii.148
Cinna. CINNA  
All, but Metellus Cymber, and hee's goneAll but Metellus Cimber; and he's gone JC I.iii.149
To seeke you at your house. Well, I will hie,To seek you at your house. Well, I will hie,hie (v.)
hasten, hurry, speed
JC I.iii.150
And so bestow these Papers as you bad me.And so bestow these papers as you bade me.bestow (v.)
give out, distribute, deliver
JC I.iii.151
Cassi. CASSIUS  
That done, repayre to Pompeyes Theater.That done, repair to Pompey's Theatre. JC I.iii.152
Exit Cinna. Exit Cinna JC I.iii.152
Come Caska, you and I will yet, ere day,Come, Casca, you and I will yet ere day JC I.iii.153
See Brutus at his house: three parts of himSee Brutus at his house: three parts of him JC I.iii.154
Is ours alreadie, and the man entireIs ours already, and the man entire JC I.iii.155
Vpon the next encounter, yeelds him ours.Upon the next encounter yields him ours.yield (v.)

old form: yeelds
render, make, cause to be
JC I.iii.156
Cask. CASCA  
O, he sits high in all the Peoples hearts:O, he sits high in all the people's hearts; JC I.iii.157
And that which would appeare Offence in vs,And that which would appear offence in us, JC I.iii.158
His Countenance, like richest Alchymie,His countenance, like richest alchemy,countenance (n.)
favourable appearance, support
JC I.iii.159
Will change to Vertue, and to Worthinesse.Will change to virtue and to worthiness. JC I.iii.160
Cassi. CASSIUS  
Him, and his worth, and our great need of him,Him and his worth and our great need of him JC I.iii.161
You haue right well conceited: let vs goe,You have right well conceited. Let us go,conceit (v.)
conceive an idea [of], think, imagine
JC I.iii.162
For it is after Mid-night, and ere day,For it is after midnight, and ere day JC I.iii.163
We will awake him, and be sure of him.We will awake him, and be sure of him. JC I.iii.164
Exeunt. Exeunt JC I.iii.164
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