
First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Laertes and Ophelia.Enter Laertes and Ophelia Ham I.iii.1.1
My necessaries are imbark't; Farewell:My necessaries are embarked. Farewell.necessaries (n.)
travelling necessities, personal luggage
Ham I.iii.1
And Sister, as the Winds giue Benefit,And, sister, as the winds give benefit Ham I.iii.2
And Conuoy is assistant; doe not sleepe,And convoy is assistant, do not sleepconvoy (n.)

old form: Conuoy
means of transport, method of conveyance
Ham I.iii.3
assistant (adj.)
in attendance, standing by, available
But let me heare from you.But let me hear from you. Ham I.iii.4.1
Doe you doubt that?Do you doubt that? Ham I.iii.4.2
For Hamlet, and the trifling of his fauours,For Hamlet, and the trifling of his favour,trifling (n.)
frivolity, foolish conduct
Ham I.iii.5
Hold it a fashion and a toy in Bloud;Hold it a fashion and a toy in blood,toy (n.)
whim, caprice, trifling matter
Ham I.iii.6
fashion (n.)
fad, modish behaviour, whim
blood (n.)

old form: Bloud
passion, feeling, strong emotion [especially sexual]
A Violet in the youth of Primy Nature;A violet in the youth of primy nature,primy (adj.)
in its prime, at its most active
Ham I.iii.7
Froward, not permanent; sweet not lastingForward, not permanent, sweet, not lasting,forward (adj.)
early, premature
Ham I.iii.8
The suppliance of a minute? No more.The perfume and suppliance of a minute,suppliance (n.)
pastime, diversion
Ham I.iii.9
No more. Ham I.iii.10.1
No more but so.No more but so? Ham I.iii.10.2
Thinke it no more:Think it no more. Ham I.iii.10.3
For nature cressant does not grow alone,For nature crescent does not grow alonecrescent (adj.)

old form: cressant
growing, increasing, developing
Ham I.iii.11
alone (adv.)
only, solely, uniquely
In thewes and Bulke: but as his Temple waxes,In thews and bulk, but as this temple waxestemple (n.)
human body [i.e. temple in which the Holy Spirit lives]
Ham I.iii.12
thews (n.)

old form: thewes
muscles, sinews, bodily strength
wax (v.)
grow, increase, enlarge
The inward seruice of the Minde and SouleThe inward service of the mind and soulservice (n.)

old form: seruice
action, performance
Ham I.iii.13
Growes wide withall. Perhaps he loues you now,Grows wide withal. Perhaps he loves you now,wide (adv.)
astray, into a lax state
Ham I.iii.14
And now no soyle nor cautell doth besmerchAnd now no soil nor cautel doth besmirchsoil (n.)

old form: soyle
blemish, stain, tarnish
Ham I.iii.15
besmirch (v.)

old form: besmerch
discolour, sully, stain
cautel (n.)

old form: cautell
deceit, trickery, cunning
The vertue of his feare: but you must feareThe virtue of his will. But you must fear, Ham I.iii.16
His greatnesse weigh'd, his will is not his owne;His greatness weighed, his will is not his own.weigh (v.)

old form: weigh'd
consider, take into account
Ham I.iii.17
For hee himselfe is subiect to his Birth:For he himself is subject to his birth. Ham I.iii.18
Hee may not, as vnuallued persons doe,He may not, as unvalued persons do,unvalued (adj.)

old form: vnuallued
unimportant, of no position, insignificant
Ham I.iii.19
Carue for himselfe; for, on his choyce dependsCarve for himself. For on his choice dependscarve (v.)

old form: Carue
choose, select [as of a slice of meat]
Ham I.iii.20
The sanctity and health of the weole State.The safety and health of this whole state. Ham I.iii.21
And therefore must his choyce be circumscrib'dAnd therefore must his choice be circumscribedcircumscribe (v.)

old form: circumscrib'd
restrict, reduce, limit
Ham I.iii.22
Vnto the voyce and yeelding of that Body,Unto the voice and yielding of that bodyvoice (n.)

old form: voyce
vote, official support
Ham I.iii.23
yielding (n.)

old form: yeelding
consent, compliance, agreement
Whereof he is the Head. Then if he sayes he loues you,Whereof he is the head. Then, if he says he loves you, Ham I.iii.24
It fits your wisedome so farre to beleeue it;It fits your wisdom so far to believe itfit (v.)
suit, befit, be suitable [for]
Ham I.iii.25
As he in his peculiar Sect and forceAs he in his particular act and placeact (n.)
activity, action, performance
Ham I.iii.26
May giue his saying deed: which is no further,May give his saying deed; which is no furtherdeed (n.)
performance, action
Ham I.iii.27
Then the maine voyce of Denmarke goes withall.Than the main voice of Denmark goes withal.voice (n.)

old form: voyce
vote, official support
Ham I.iii.28
Then weigh what losse your Honour may sustaine,Then weigh what loss your honour may sustain Ham I.iii.29
If with too credent eare you list his Songs;If with too credent ear you list his songs,list (v.)
listen to, pay attention to
Ham I.iii.30
credent (adj.)
trustful, believing, credulous
Or lose your Heart; or your chast Treasure openOr lose your heart, or your chaste treasure open Ham I.iii.31
To his vnmastred importunity.To his unmastered importunity.importunity (n.)
persistent solicitation, troublesome persistence
Ham I.iii.32
unmastered (adj.)

old form: vnmastred
uncontrolled, unrestrained
Feare it Ophelia, feare it my deare Sister,Fear it, Ophelia, fear it, my dear sister. Ham I.iii.33
And keepe within the reare of your Affection;And keep you in the rear of your affection, Ham I.iii.34
Out of the shot and danger of Desire.Out of the shot and danger of desire. Ham I.iii.35
The chariest Maid is Prodigall enough,The chariest maid is prodigal enoughchariest (adj.)
most cautious, shyest, most careful
Ham I.iii.36
prodigal (adj.)

old form: Prodigall
wastefully lavish, foolishly extravagant
If she vnmaske her beauty to the Moone:If she unmask her beauty to the moon. Ham I.iii.37
Vertue it selfe scapes not calumnious stroakes,Virtue itself 'scapes not calumnious strokes.scape, 'scape (v.)
escape, avoid
Ham I.iii.38
calumnious (adj.)
slanderous, defamatory, disparaging
The Canker Galls, the Infants of the SpringThe canker galls the infants of the springinfant (n.)
young plant [figurative use]
Ham I.iii.39
gall (v.)
injure, harm, wound
canker (n./adj.)
grub that destroys plant buds and leaves, cankerworm, parasite
Too oft before the buttons be disclos'd,Too oft before their buttons be disclosed;disclose (v.)

old form: disclos'd
open up, unfold, unclose
Ham I.iii.40
oft (adv.)
button (n.)
And in the Morne and liquid dew of Youth,And in the morn and liquid dew of youthmorn (n.)

old form: Morne
morning, dawn
Ham I.iii.41
Contagious blastments are most imminent.Contagious blastments are most imminent.blastment (n.)
blight, withering
Ham I.iii.42
Be wary then, best safety lies in feare;Be wary then. Best safety lies in fear. Ham I.iii.43
Youth to it selfe rebels, though none else neere.Youth to itself rebels, though none else near. Ham I.iii.44
I shall th'effect of this good Lesson keepe,I shall the effect of this good lesson keepeffect (n.)
drift, tenor, import
Ham I.iii.45
As watchmen to my heart: but good my BrotherAs watchman to my heart. But, good my brother, Ham I.iii.46
Doe not as some vngracious Pastors doe,Do not, as some ungracious pastors do,ungracious (adj.)

old form: vngracious
wicked, without grace, profane
Ham I.iii.47
Shew me the steepe and thorny way to Heauen;Show me the steep and thorny way to heaven Ham I.iii.48
Whilst like a puft and recklesse LibertineWhiles like a puffed and reckless libertinepuffed (adj.)

old form: puft
puffed up, swollen (with vanity)
Ham I.iii.49
Himselfe, the Primrose path of dalliance treads,Himself the primrose path of dalliance treadsdalliance (n.)
frivolity, idleness, wasteful activity
Ham I.iii.50
And reaks not his owne reade.And recks not his own rede.reck (v.)

old form: reaks
regard, heed, care [for]
Ham I.iii.51.1
rede (n.)

old form: reade
advice, counsel, guidance
Oh, feare me not.O, fear me not. Ham I.iii.51.2
I stay too long;I stay too long. Ham I.iii.52.1
Enter Polonius.Enter Polonius Ham I.iii.52
but here my Father comes:But here my father comes. Ham I.iii.52.2
A double blessing is a double grace;A double blessing is a double grace. Ham I.iii.53
Occasion smiles vpon a second leaue.Occasion smiles upon a second leave.occasion (n.)
circumstance, opportunity
Ham I.iii.54
Yet heere Laertes? Aboord, aboord for shame,Yet here, Laertes? Aboard, aboard, for shame!yet, as yet (adv.)
Ham I.iii.55
The winde sits in the shoulder of your saile,The wind sits in the shoulder of your sail, Ham I.iii.56
And you are staid for there: my blessing with you;And you are stayed for. There – my blessing with thee. Ham I.iii.57
And these few Precepts in thy memory,And these few precepts in thy memory Ham I.iii.58
See thou Character. Giue thy thoughts no tongue,Look thou character. Give thy thoughts no tongue,look (v.)
take care, see, be sure
Ham I.iii.59
character (v.)
inscribe, engrave, write
Nor any vnproportion'd thought his Act:Nor any unproportioned thought his act.unproportioned (adj.)

old form: vnproportion'd
immoderate, inordinate, inappropriate
Ham I.iii.60
Be thou familiar; but by no meanes vulgar:Be thou familiar, but by no means vulgar.vulgar (adj.)
cheap, common to all, plebeian
Ham I.iii.61
The friends thou hast, and their adoption tride,Those friends thou hast, and their adoption tried,try (v.)

old form: tride
put to the test, test the goodness [of]
Ham I.iii.62
adoption (n.)
association, relationship
Grapple them to thy Soule, with hoopes of Steele:Grapple them unto thy soul with hoops of steel. Ham I.iii.63
But doe not dull thy palme, with entertainmentBut do not dull thy palm with entertainmententertainment (n.)
pleasant reception, favourable welcome
Ham I.iii.64
dull (v.)
make undiscerning, make insensitive
Of each vnhatch't, vnfledg'd Comrade. BewareOf each new-hatched, unfledged courage. Bewarecourage (n.)
young man of bravado, man of spirit
Ham I.iii.65
Of entrance to a quarrell: but being inOf entrance to a quarrel. But being in, Ham I.iii.66
Bear't that th'opposed may beware of thee.Bear't that th' opposed may beware of thee.bear (v.), past forms bore, borne
sustain, carry through, keep going
Ham I.iii.67
Giue euery man thine eare; but few thy voyce:Give every man thine ear, but few thy voice.voice (n.)

old form: voyce
support, approval, good word
Ham I.iii.68
Take each mans censure; but reserue thy iudgement:Take each man's censure, but reserve thy judgement.censure (n.)
assessment, opinion, judgement, criticism
Ham I.iii.69
Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy;Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy,purse (n.)
resources, funds, available money
Ham I.iii.70
habit (n.)
dress, clothing, costume
But not exprest in fancie; rich, not gawdie:But not expressed in fancy; rich, not gaudy;express (v.)

old form: exprest
show, reveal, display
Ham I.iii.71
fancy (n.)

old form: fancie
fancifulness, flamboyance, showiness
For the Apparell oft proclaimes the man.For the apparel oft proclaims the man,oft (adv.)
Ham I.iii.72
apparel (n.)
clothes, clothing, dress
And they in France of the best ranck and station,And they in France of the best rank and station Ham I.iii.73
Are of a most select and generous cheff in that.Are of a most select and generous chief in that.chief (adv.)
chiefly, principally
Ham I.iii.74
select (adj.)
superior, refined, cultivated
generous (adj.)
well-bred, mannerly, noble-minded
Neither a borrower, nor a lender be;Neither a borrower nor a lender be, Ham I.iii.75
For lone oft loses both it selfe and friend:For loan oft loses both itself and friend,oft (adv.)
Ham I.iii.76
And borrowing duls the edge of Husbandry.And borrowing dulleth edge of husbandry.husbandry (n.)
thrift, good economy, careful management
Ham I.iii.77
dull (v.)

old form: duls
blunt, reduce the activity of
This aboue all; to thine owne selfe be true:This above all: to thine own self be true, Ham I.iii.78
And it must follow, as the Night the Day,And it must follow, as the night the day, Ham I.iii.79
Thou canst not then be false to any man.Thou canst not then be false to any man.false (adj.)
disloyal, faithless, inconstant, unfaithful
Ham I.iii.80
Farewell: my Blessing season this in thee.Farewell. My blessing season this in thee!season (v.)
bring to maturity, ripen
Ham I.iii.81
Most humbly doe I take my leaue, my Lord.Most humbly do I take my leave, my lord. Ham I.iii.82
The time inuites you, goe, your seruants tend.The time invites you. Go. Your servants tend.tend (v.)
await, wait in expectation
Ham I.iii.83
Farewell Ophelia, and remember wellFarewell, Ophelia; and remember well Ham I.iii.84
What I haue said to you.What I have said to you. Ham I.iii.85.1
Tis in my memory lockt,'Tis in my memory locked, Ham I.iii.85.2
And you your selfe shall keepe the key of it.And you yourself shall keep the key of it. Ham I.iii.86
Farewell. Farewell. Ham I.iii.87
Exit Laer.Exit Ham I.iii.87
What ist Ophelia he hath said to you?What is't, Ophelia, he hath said to you? Ham I.iii.88
So please you, somthing touching the L. Hamlet.So please you, something touching the Lord Hamlet. Ham I.iii.89
Marry, well bethought:Marry, well bethought.marry (int.)
[exclamation] by Mary
Ham I.iii.90
bethink (v.), past form bethought
call to mind, think about, consider, reflect
Tis told me he hath very oft of late'Tis told me he hath very oft of lateoft (adv.)
Ham I.iii.91
Giuen priuate time to you; and you your selfeGiven private time to you, and you yourself Ham I.iii.92
Haue of your audience beene most free and bounteous.Have of your audience been most free and bounteous.free (adj.)
liberal, lavish, generous
Ham I.iii.93
bounteous (adj.)
open-hearted, full of warm feeling
audience (n.)
hearing, attention, reception
If it be so, as so tis put on me;If it be so – as so 'tis put on me,put (v.)
impress, urge
Ham I.iii.94
And that in way of caution: I must tell you,And that in way of caution – I must tell you Ham I.iii.95
You doe not vnderstand your selfe so cleerely,You do not understand yourself so clearly Ham I.iii.96
As it behoues my Daughter, and your Honour.As it behoves my daughter and your honour.behove (v.)

old form: behoues
befits, be appropriate to, be due to
Ham I.iii.97
What is betweene you, giue me vp the truth?What is between you? Give me up the truth. Ham I.iii.98
He hath my Lord of late, made many tendersHe hath, my lord, of late made many tenderstender (n.)
offer, offering
Ham I.iii.99
Of his affection to me.Of his affection to me. Ham I.iii.100
Affection, puh. You speake like a greene Girle,Affection? Pooh! You speak like a green girl, Ham I.iii.101
Vnsifted in such perillous Circumstance.Unsifted in such perilous circumstance.unsifted (v.)

old form: Vnsifted
untried, inexperienced, unskilled
Ham I.iii.102
circumstance (n.)
condition, state, situation
Doe you beleeue his tenders, as you call them?Do you believe his tenders, as you call them?tender (n.)
offer, offering
Ham I.iii.103
I do not know, my Lord, what I should thinke.I do not know, my lord, what I should think. Ham I.iii.104
Marry Ile teach you; thinke your selfe a Baby,Marry, I will teach you. Think yourself a baby Ham I.iii.105
That you haue tane his tenders for true pay,That you have ta'en these tenders for true paytender (n.)
offer, offering
Ham I.iii.106
Which are not starling. Tender your selfe more dearly;Which are not sterling. Tender yourself more dearly,tender (v.)
rate, esteem, regard
Ham I.iii.107
sterling (n.)

old form: starling
valid currency, legitimate tender
Or not to crack the winde of the poore Phrase,Or – not to crack the wind of the poor phrase,crack the wind
over-use, over-exert
Ham I.iii.108
Roaming it thus, you'l tender me a foole.Running it thus – you'll tender me a fool. Ham I.iii.109
My Lord, he hath importun'd me with loue,My lord, he hath importuned me with loveimportune (v.)

old form: importun'd
urge, press
Ham I.iii.110
In honourable fashion.In honourable fashion.fashion (n.)
manner, way, mode, appearance
Ham I.iii.111
I, fashion you may call it, go too, go too.Ay, ‘ fashion ’ you may call it. Go to, go to.fashion (n.)
fad, modish behaviour, whim
Ham I.iii.112
And hath giuen countenance to his speech, / My Lord,And hath given countenance to his speech, my lord,countenance (n.)
favourable appearance, support
Ham I.iii.113
with all the vowes of Heauen.With almost all the holy vows of heaven. Ham I.iii.114
I, Springes to catch Woodcocks. I doe knowAy, springes to catch woodcocks. I do know,springe (n.)
snare, trap
Ham I.iii.115
When the Bloud burnes, how Prodigall the SouleWhen the blood burns, how prodigal the soulprodigal (adv.)

old form: Prodigall
lavishly, extravagantly
Ham I.iii.116
blood (n.)

old form: Bloud
passion, feeling, strong emotion [especially sexual]
Giues the tongue vowes: these blazes, Daughter,Lends the tongue vows. These blazes, daughter, Ham I.iii.117
Giuing more light then heate; extinct in both,Giving more light than heat, extinct in bothextinct (adj.)
extinguished, put out, quenched
Ham I.iii.118
Euen in their promise, as it is a making;Even in their promise, as it is a-making, Ham I.iii.119
You must not take for fire. For this time Daughter,You must not take for fire. From this time Ham I.iii.120
Be somewhat scanter of your Maiden presence;Be something scanter of your maiden presence.scant (adj.)
more chary, not so lavish, more sparing
Ham I.iii.121
something (adv.)
somewhat, rather
Set your entreatments at a higher rate,Set your entreatments at a higher rateentreatment (n.)
interaction, exchange, discourse
Ham I.iii.122
Then a command to parley. For Lord Hamlet,Than a command to parle. For Lord Hamlet,parle, parley (v.)
talk, discuss, enter into conversation
Ham I.iii.123
Beleeue so much in him, that he is young,Believe so much in him that he is young, Ham I.iii.124
And with a larger tether may he walke,And with a larger tether may he walk Ham I.iii.125
Then may be giuen you. In few, Ophelia,Than may be given you. In few, Ophelia,few, in (a)
in few words, in short, in brief
Ham I.iii.126
Doe not beleeue his vowes; for they are Broakers,Do not believe his vows. For they are brokers,broker, broker-between (n.)

old form: Broakers
go-between, intermediary, agent
Ham I.iii.127
Not of the eye, which their Inuestments show:Not of that dye which their investments show,investments (n.)

old form: Inuestments
(plural) garments, clothes, clothing
Ham I.iii.128
But meere implorators of vnholy Sutes,But mere implorators of unholy suits,implorator (n.)
one who implores or entreats, supplicator, solicitor
Ham I.iii.129
suit (n.)

old form: Sutes
wooing, courtship
Breathing like sanctified and pious bonds,Breathing like sanctified and pious bawds,sanctified (adj.)
sanctimonious, hypocritical, deceiving
Ham I.iii.130
bawd (n.)
pimp, procurer, pander, go-between
breathe (v.)
speak, utter, talk
The better to beguile. This is for all:The better to beguile. This is for all:beguile (v.)
cheat, deceive, trick
Ham I.iii.131
I would not, in plaine tearmes, from this time forth,I would not, in plain terms, from this time forth Ham I.iii.132
Haue you so slander any moment leisure,Have you so slander any moment leisureslander (v.)
misuse, disgrace, bring into ill repute
Ham I.iii.133
As to giue words or talke with the Lord Hamlet:As to give words or talk with the Lord Hamlet. Ham I.iii.134
Looke too't, I charge you; come your wayes.Look to't, I charge you. Come your ways. Ham I.iii.135
I shall obey my Lord. I shall obey, my lord. Ham I.iii.136
Exeunt.Exeunt Ham I.iii.136
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