The Two Noble Kinsmen

Modern text


Key line

Enter Pirithous, Hipolita, Emilia.Enter Pirithous, Hippolyta, and Emilia TNK I.iii.1
No further.No further. TNK I.iii.1.1
Sir farewell; repeat my wishesSir, farewell. Repeat my wishes TNK I.iii.1.2
To our great Lord, of whose succes I dare notTo our great lord, of whose success I dare not TNK I.iii.2
Make any timerous question, yet I wish himMake any timorous question; yet I wish him timorous (adj.)

old form: timerous
fearful, apprehensive, doubting
TNK I.iii.3
Exces, and overflow of power, and't might beExcess and overflow of power, an't might be, TNK I.iii.4
To dure ill-dealing fortune; speede to him,To dure ill-dealing fortune. Speed to him;speed (n.)

old form: speede
success, fortune, good luck
TNK I.iii.5
dure (v.)
endure, bear, withstand
Store never hurtes good Gouernours.Store never hurts good (n.)
abundance, plenty, surplus, quantity
TNK I.iii.6.1
Though I knowThough I know TNK I.iii.6.2
His Ocean needes not my poore drops, yet theyHis ocean needs not my poor drops, yet they TNK I.iii.7
Must yeild their tribute there: My precious Maide,Must yield their tribute there. (To Emilia) My precious maid, TNK I.iii.8
Those best affections, that the heavens infuseThose best affections that the heavens infuseaffection (n.)
emotion, feeling
TNK I.iii.9
In their best temperd peices, keepe enthroandIn their best-tempered pieces keep enthronedpiece (n.)

old form: peices
work (of art), creation
TNK I.iii.10
best-tempered (adj.)

old form: best temperd
most skilfully crafted, of the finest quality [as of metal]
In your deare heart.In your dear heart. TNK I.iii.11.1
Thanckes Sir; Remember meThanks, sir. Remember me TNK I.iii.11.2
To our all royall Brother, for whose speedeTo our all-royal brother, for whose speedspeed (n.)

old form: speede
success, fortune, good luck
TNK I.iii.12
The great Bellona ile sollicite; andThe great Bellona I'll solicit; andBellona (n.)
[pron: bel'ohna] Roman goddess of war
TNK I.iii.13
Since in our terrene State petitions are notSince in our terrene state petitions are notterrene (adj.)
earthly, human, in this world
TNK I.iii.14
state (n.)
condition, circumstances, situation, state of affairs
Without giftes understood: Ile offer to herWithout gifts understood, I'll offer to her TNK I.iii.15
What I shall be advised she likes; our heartsWhat I shall be advised she likes. Our hearts TNK I.iii.16
Are in his Army, in his Tent.Are in his army, in his tent. TNK I.iii.17.1
In's bosome:In's bosom. TNK I.iii.17.2
We have bin Soldiers, and wee cannot weepeWe have been soldiers, and we cannot weep TNK I.iii.18
When our Friends don their helmes, or put to sea,When our friends don their helms, or put to sea,helm (n.)

old form: helmes
TNK I.iii.19
Or tell of Babes broachd on the Launce, or womenOr tell of babes broached on the lance, or womenbroach (v.)

old form: broachd
pierce, impale, spit
TNK I.iii.20
That have sod their Infants in (and after eate them)That have sod their infants in – and after ate them – sod (v.)
boil, stew [from ‘seethe’]
TNK I.iii.21
The brine, they wept at killing 'em; Then ifThe brine they wept at killing 'em; then ifbrine (n.)
salt water [i.e. tears]
TNK I.iii.22
You stay to see of us such Spincsters, weYou stay to see of us such spinsters, weof (prep.)
TNK I.iii.23
spinster (n.)

old form: Spincsters
domestic woman, one who stays at home spinning
Should hold you here for ever.Should hold you here for ever. TNK I.iii.24.1
Peace be to youPeace be to you TNK I.iii.24.2
As I pursue this war, which shall be thenAs I pursue this war, which shall be thenpursue (v.)
proceed with, take forward, continue
TNK I.iii.25
Beyond further requiring.Beyond further requiring. TNK I.iii.26.1
Exit Pir.Exit TNK I.iii.26
How his longingHow his longing TNK I.iii.26.2
Followes his Friend; since his depart, his sportesFollows his friend! Since his depart, his sports,sport (n.)

old form: sportes
exercise, athletic pastime
TNK I.iii.27
depart (n.)
departure, departing, leave-taking
Though craving seriousnes, and skill, past slightlyThough craving seriousness and skill, passed slightlyslightly (adv.)
without much attention, neglectfully
TNK I.iii.28
crave (v.)
need, demand, require
His careles execution, where nor gaineHis careless execution, where nor gainexecution (n.)
action, performance, doing
TNK I.iii.29
careless (adj.)

old form: careles
inattentive, preoccupied, distracted
Made him regard, or losse consider, butMade him regard or loss consider, but TNK I.iii.30
Playing ore busines in his hand, anotherPlaying one business in his hand, another TNK I.iii.31
Directing in his head, his minde, nurse equallDirecting in his head – his mind nurse equalequal (adj.)

old form: equall
fair, equitable, evenhanded
TNK I.iii.32
To these so diffring Twyns; have you observ'd him,To these so differing twins. Have you observed him TNK I.iii.33
Since our great Lord departed?Since our great lord departed? TNK I.iii.34.1
With much labour:With much labour; TNK I.iii.34.2
And I did love him fort, they two have CabindAnd I did love him for't. They two have cabinedcabin (v.)

old form: Cabind
be confined, be shut up [in a soldier's tent]
TNK I.iii.35
In many as dangerous, as poore a Corner,In many as dangerous as poor a corner, TNK I.iii.36
Perill and want contending, they have skiftPeril and want contending; they have skiffedskiff (v.)

old form: skift
go in a skiff [= small boat]
TNK I.iii.37
Torrents whose roring tyranny and powerTorrents whose roaring tyranny and powerpower (n.)
force, strength, might
TNK I.iii.38
I'th least of these was dreadfull, and they haveI'th' least of these was dreadful; and they have TNK I.iii.39
Fought out together, where Deaths-selfe was lodgd,Fought out together where death's self was lodged; TNK I.iii.40
Yet fate hath brought them off: Their knot of loveYet fate hath brought them off. Their knot of love,bring off (v.)
rescue, save, deliver
TNK I.iii.41
Tide, weau'd, intangled, with so true, so long,Tied, weaved, entangled, with so true, so long, TNK I.iii.42
And with a finger of so deepe a cunningAnd with a finger of so deep a cunning,deep (adj.)

old form: deepe
subtle, intricate, complex
TNK I.iii.43
cunning (n.)
skill, ability, expertise
May be out worne, never undone. I thinkeMay be outworn, never undone. I think TNK I.iii.44
Theseus cannot be umpire to himselfeTheseus cannot be umpire to himself,umpire (n.)
arbitrator, mediator, adjudicator
TNK I.iii.45
Cleaving his conscience into twaine, and doingCleaving his conscience into twain and doing TNK I.iii.46
Each side like Iustice, which he loves best.Each side like justice, which he loves best. TNK I.iii.47.1
DoubtlesseDoubtless TNK I.iii.47.2
There is a best, and reason has no mannersThere is a best, and reason has no manners TNK I.iii.48
To say it is not you: I was acquaintedTo say it is not you. I was acquainted TNK I.iii.49
Once with a time, when I enjoyd a Play-fellow;Once with a time when I enjoyed a playfellow. TNK I.iii.50
You were at wars, when she the grave enrichd,You were at wars when she the grave enriched TNK I.iii.51
Who made too proud the Bed, tooke leave o'th MooneWho made too proud the bed; took leave o'th' moon –  TNK I.iii.52
(which then lookt pale at parting) when our countWhich then looked pale at parting – when our countcount (n.)
age, tally [of years]
TNK I.iii.53
Was each a eleven.Was each eleven. TNK I.iii.54.1
Twas Flauia.'Twas Flavina. TNK I.iii.54.2
YesYes. TNK I.iii.54.3
You talke of Pirithous and Theseus love;You talk of Pirithous' and Theseus' love; TNK I.iii.55
Theirs has more ground, is more maturely seasond,Theirs has more ground, is more maturely seasoned,season (v.)

old form: seasond
bring to maturity, ripen
TNK I.iii.56
ground (n.)
foundation, basis, root
More buckled with strong Iudgement. and their needesMore buckled with strong judgement, and their needsbuckle (v.)
hold together, fasten [as with a buckle]
TNK I.iii.57
The one of th'other may be said to waterThe one of th' other may be said to water TNK I.iii.58
Their intertangled rootes of love, but ITheir intertangled roots of love. But Iintertangled (adj.)
intertwined, entwined, interlaced
TNK I.iii.59
And shee (I sigh and spoke of) were things innocent,And she I sigh and spoke of were things innocent, TNK I.iii.60
Lou'd for we did, and like the ElementsLoved for we did, and like the elements TNK I.iii.61
That know not what, nor why, yet doe effectThat know not what, nor why, yet do effect TNK I.iii.62
Rare issues by their operance; our soulesRare issues by their operance, our soulsissue (n.)
outcome, result, consequence(s)
TNK I.iii.63
operance (n.)
operation, action, activity
rare (adj.)
unusual, striking, exceptional
Did so to one another; what she lik'd,Did so to one another. What she liked TNK I.iii.64
Was then of me approov'd, what not condemdWas then of me approved, what not, condemned, TNK I.iii.65
No more arraignement, the flowre that I would plnckeNo more arraignment; the flower that I would pluckarraignment (n.)

old form: arraignement
trial, interrogation, examination
TNK I.iii.66
And put betweene my breasts, oh (then but beginningAnd put between my breasts – O, then but beginning TNK I.iii.67
To swell about the blossome) she would longTo swell about the blossom – she would long TNK I.iii.68
Till shee had such another, and commit itTill she had such another, and commit it TNK I.iii.69
To the like innocent Cradle, where Phenix likeTo the like innocent cradle, where phoenix-like TNK I.iii.70
They dide in perfume: on my head no toyThey died in perfume; on my head no toytoy (n.)
trinket, trifle, trivial ornament
TNK I.iii.71
But was her patterne, her affections (prettyBut was her pattern; her affections – pretty,affection (n.)
fancy, inclination, desire
TNK I.iii.72
Though happely, her careles, were, I followedThough happily her careless wear – I followedhappily (adv.)

old form: happely
perhaps, by chance, maybe
TNK I.iii.73
careless (adj.)

old form: careles
casual, informal, free and easy
For my most serious decking, had mine eareFor my most serious decking; had mine earserious (adj.)
formal, important, solemn
TNK I.iii.74
decking (n.)
adorning, dressing, attiring
Stolne some new aire, or at adventure humd onStolen some new air, or at adventure hummed oneair (n.)

old form: aire
melody, tune, strain
TNK I.iii.75
adventure, at
randomly, on the spur of the moment
From misicall Coynadge; why it was a noteFrom musical coinage, why, it was a notecoinage (n.)

old form: Coynadge
invention, fabrication, concoction
TNK I.iii.76
Whereon her spirits would sojourne (rather dwell on)Whereon her spirits would sojourn – rather dwell on – sojourn (v.)

old form: sojourne
pause, reside, stay for a while
TNK I.iii.77
And sing it in her slumbers; This rehearsallAnd sing it in her slumbers. This rehearsalrehearsal (n.)

old form: rehearsall
story, account, recounting
TNK I.iii.78
(Which fury-innocent wots well) comes inWhich every innocent wots well comes ininnocent (n.)
simpleton, dimwit, mental defective
TNK I.iii.79
wot (v.)
learn, know, be told
fury-innocent (n.)
[unclear usage] anyone in a calm state of mind; anyone passion-free
Like old importments bastard, has this end,Like old emportment's bastard – has this end,emportment (n.)
fit of passion, state of emotion
TNK I.iii.80
importment (n.)
[unclear meaning] importance, significance
That the true love tweene Mayde, and mayde, may beThat the true love 'tween maid and maid may be TNK I.iii.81
More then in sex individuall.More than in sex dividual.dividual (adj.)

old form: individuall
different, separate [i.e. between man and woman]
TNK I.iii.82.1
Y'are ont of breathYou're out of breath, TNK I.iii.82.2
And this high speeded-pace, is but to sayAnd this high-speeded pace is but to say TNK I.iii.83
That you shall never (like the Maide Flavina)That you shall never – like the maid Flavina –  TNK I.iii.84
Love any that's calld Man.Love any that's called man. TNK I.iii.85.1
I am sure I shall not.I am sure I shall not. TNK I.iii.85.2
Now alacke weake Sister,Now alack, weak sister, TNK I.iii.86
I must no more beleeve thee in this pointI must no more believe thee in this point, TNK I.iii.87
(Though, in't I know thou dost beleeve thy selfe,)Though in't I know thou dost believe thyself, TNK I.iii.88
Then I will trust a sickely appetite,Than I will trust a sickly appetite TNK I.iii.89
That loathes even as it longs; but sure my SisterThat loathes even as it longs. But sure, my sister, TNK I.iii.90
If I were ripe for your perswasion, youIf I were ripe for your persuasion, youripe (adj.)
ready, inclined, well-disposed
TNK I.iii.91
Have saide enough to shake me from the ArmeHave said enough to shake me from the arm TNK I.iii.92
Of the all noble Theseus, for whose fortunes,Of the all-noble Theseus, for whose fortunes TNK I.iii.93
I will now in, and kneele with great assurance,I will now in and kneel, with great assurance TNK I.iii.94
That we, more then his Pirothous, possesseThat we, more than his Pirithous, possess TNK I.iii.95
The high throne in his heart.The high throne in his heart. TNK I.iii.96.1
I am notI am not TNK I.iii.96.2
against your faith, / Yet I continew mine.Against your faith, yet I continue mine. TNK I.iii.97
Exeunt.Exeunt TNK I.iii.97
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